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The Heller Case decision available tomorrow, says Supreme Court

Written by Subject: Criminal Justice System
Gun Law Update - The Heller Case
Gun Law Update - The Heller Case
Gun Law Update - The Heller Case

by Alan Korwin, Co-Author
Supreme Court Gun Cases
June 25, 2008

Chief Justice John Roberts announced less than an hour ago that the Supreme Court would release its three remaining decisions  tomorrow, Thu., 6/26/08, beginning at 10 a.m., Eastern time.

This includes D.C. v. Heller, the Washington, D.C. gun-ban case that is examining the meaning of the Second Amendment, and whether a complete ban on any operable gun in a private home violates the constitutional rights of individual citizens.

I plan to have a quick review of the highlights of the case within three hours of its release. A more detailed review is planned before the end of June.

Every news outlet on the planet is expected to cover the case in some fashion. Typically, "news" reports on gun issues have errors, spin, editorial mixed in with fact, and should be taken with at least a grain of skepticism until detailed analysis is available. The decision could be lengthy (perhaps 100 pages according to one knowledgeable party), and will take a while to digest in its entirety.

The other two remaining cases are Davis v. FEC (campaign finance), and American Electric Power (energy contracts).

The law firm of Akin Gump is predicting with a high degree of confidence that Justice Scalia will be the author of the principle opinion in the Heller decision.

My firm Bloomfield Press is preparing a book on the Heller case, as a supplement to "Supreme Court Gun Cases" by Kopel, Halbrook and Korwin, released in 2003. It will contain extensive background, commentary by numerous leading experts, summaries of all 96 gun-related cases that have been heard by the High Court, and complete text of Heller with key elements highlighted throughout. Advance orders will be taken when we know what the page count will be, hopefully within 30 days of the decision.

That's it for now.
See you tomorrow.
Alan Korwin.


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Alan Korwin
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