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Criminal Justice System

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Police are expanding their search of a convicted rapist’s neighborhood and his neatly kept home, where 10 bodies have been found in the basement, buried in the backyard, in an upstairs living room and in a crawl space. In addition to the four lat

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A Minnesota man has pleaded guilty to driving his motorized La-Z-Boy chair while drunk. The 62-year-old left a bar on his chair after drinking 8 or 9 beers. Prosecutors say Anderson's blood alcohol content was 0.29, more than three times the legal li

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"You've got a real estate company, in our opinion, with the government as a tenant, (and of course, a growing client base). We think this is a business that has very significant growth. It's going to do well in any economic environment,

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News-Gazette (h/t The Agitator)

Members of the black community mourned one boy's death and called for another 15-year-old to be released from juvenile detention. The boy's were in a home they had permission to be in. The cop's gun went off all on its own say cops.

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The Agitator

A roundup of wrongful conviction-related stories from the last several weeks: • Wisconsin court dismisses charges against rape and murder after the prosecutor withheld evidence of his innocence. Ralph Armstrong was convicted in 1981. In 1995, a wo

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The key informant in the U.S. tax evasion case against Swiss bank UBS AG faces prison next year, but his harsher-than-expected treatment by the U.S. Justice Department will undermine efforts to expose secretive offshore tax havens.

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Authorities haven't ruled out the possibility that Zazi became so spooked by surveillance that he dumped any bombs or bomb components. Yet the lack of such concrete physical evidence as a backpack bomb has also forced investigators to do more painst

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Photography is not a crime

In what may be the first of its kind, a man was arrested for using Twitter to notify protesters of police whereabouts in a case that shockingly violates First Amendment rights. Elliot Madison, 41, was arrested along with another man during the G-2

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Convicted sex offender James Nichols said he was trying to better himself by going to church. But the police who arrested him explained: The church is off-limits because it has a daycare center. Now Nichols is challenging North Carolina's sex-offe

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St. Louis Today

Whitrock says he thinks he knows why the family was targeted. "They have a very nice home and I think they are one of the only white families on that block," he said.-While the struggle continued, Stallis' mother, Rose Whitrock, ran out of the house

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