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Criminal Justice System

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Andy Worthington

Al-Ghizzawi is clearly an innocent man. Back in 2004, when the Bush administration convened military review boards to review the prisoners’ cases, they concluded there was insufficient evidence to declare him an “enemy combatant,” and that he should

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NY Times

The five men facing trial in the Sept. 11 attacks will plead not guilty so that they can air their criticisms of U.S. foreign policy, the lawyer for one of the defendants said Sunday. Scott Fenstermaker, the lawyer for accused terrorist Ali

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NY Times

Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, suspected of being a Qaeda terrorist, was captured in Pakistan in 2004, held in secret prisons run by the C.I.A. and then moved to the naval base at Guantánamo Bay. During about five years of detention, he says, he was confine

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In courtrooms barred to the public, dozens of terror suspects are pleading for their freedom from the Guantanamo Bay prison....Complying with a Supreme Court ruling last year, 15 federal judges in the U.S. courthouse here are giving det

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I see this on a daily basis, citizens being caught up in the legal system, usually under no fault of their own. Invest 45 minutes of your time and watch these videos and become fully informed, listen to this law professor and Officer and heed their w

News Link • Global Reported By Steve Freedom
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CBS Chicago

25 students were slapped with criminal charges in connection with a food fight in a school cafeteria. Even innocent students will face lasting consequences. If the charges are dropped, juvenile records can't be expunged until the accused becomes 17.

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Ray Moore and George Morell know. Moore was wrestled to the ground by a cop, a knee in his back while he was cuffed, apparently bleeding. Both were arrested, and spent the bulk of the day in jail. "They're in their 80s, you know,'' she said.

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Wendy McElroy

Federal authorities can resume combing through the notebooks, memory cards and computers of a twittering anarchist being investigated for violating an anti-rioting law, a federal judge ruled finding no reason to throw out the government’s search of t

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Simple Justice

"Going to," "steal" and "money." Those 4 words, grouped in the same sentence, prompted a Maricopa County sheriff's detention officer to rifle through a defense attorney's file last month, according to court testimony.

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Simple Justice

Terry Bressi posted the story on Halloween, now a defense lawyer weighs in to Sheriff Joe's deputies perusing confidential defense lawyer-client privilege documents in court, making copies for the prosecutor and the lack of outrage!