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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Tips for Countering Vaccination Advocates and Influencing Others

 You may be sitting on the fence regarding the vaccination issue. If so, please read on and use the links for more resources. If you know the truth about vaccinations, use the information to influence others.

Bolster your arguments with the facts regarding polio and vaccines addressed here. You can use the words of medical professionals themselves with some quotes from doctors, medical researchers and holistic practitioners, on this site. Instead of defending yourself verbally, consider printing out the several pages of quotes by courageous medical professionals on polio vaccines and all others.

3 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Agreement thing sounds good, BB. A thing to use with lots of other "professionals" as well.

Often, professionals won't sign the agreement, but not because they are afraid of losing the funds to you. They won't sign because it is beneath their dignity to even consider signing something like this.

A doctor who doesn't sign might still make all kinds of trouble for you with CPS, but only doesn't, because he IS a professional at heart, and DOES extend professional courtesy to you, even though he might feel that you have disrespected him and his profession, and dishonored him by even presenting such an agreement to him. In fact, if he is hard-core medical, such a contract might push him to initiate a CPS investigation.

Many more professionals than we know about hold everything that they have in trust. In other words, they don't own it, so it can't be taken from them. With all the medical malpractice suits lately, the whole medical profession is looking for ways to protect their assets.

If there is any chance they might incur some kind of really big debt, they might have themselves liened to the hilt by some other entity, in such a way, that the funds can go in a circle back to them (sort of). The other entity will hold first lien, and will be for such a high amount, and extend for such a long time, that it might take 50 years before you get a penny out of them, if then. This is the way JG sets people up to be protected -

The point? Do your due diligence with everyone you present this agreement to. They might make more trouble for you than you expect.
And have witnesses with you who understand everything you are doing. Present the agreement in such a way - or have written right into it - that the medical person's signing of the agreement includes that he/she has full and complete knowledge that what they are doing with vaccinations is entirely safe. This is so that there is a basis for him to lose his license to practice if there are problems later. Consult an attorney about how to set the agreement up. Have witnesses who will sign affidavits later, as to your purpose, and the results of what you did.

Comment by brady byrum
Entered on:

SHUTTING DOWN VACCINATIONS BY PUSHY HEALTH WORKERS IS SO SIMPLE. Type up this simple, one page agreement and print it out, and have it ready the next time you take one of your children in. I did this and told the Pediatrician that if he would sign this, I would let him give my daughter ANY vaccination he wanted. He read it and retracted in HORROR, tossing it back to me, and refusing to sign it. I said, well then, if YOU won't pledge this, what makes you think I would want to do it? He never bothered me again about them. Here is the document. Health Care Worker's name Health Care Worker's address Health Care Worker's telephone number I, ________________ hereby now knowingly and intentionally pledge my entire life savings, all my personal and business assets and all of my future earnings from any and all sources, to pay for any and all direct or indirect physical, mental, emotional, or any other type of harm, or damage that occurs to _______(name of the child they want to immunize)___ in any degree or manner, and will personally pay $10,000.000.00 (ten million dollars) to ___________(your name)__________, if this child directly or indirectly dies from any element in the vaccine I want to administer to them. Date:____________________ Signature_______________________ Notary Signature_________________________ When they have to put their own money where their mouth is, they back away quick. Works every time. XD

Comment by doc-S
Entered on:

 Other considerations taken right out of the text books.

1. All it takes to start the "immune response" is a scratch on the skin.

2. It take approximatly 5 years for the nervous system to develop. Until then the Immune system simply can't be fully functional Thus the immune response will be limited.

Conclusion just from those two FACTS.

1. Vaccinations with hypodermic needles of the offending pathogen full of toxic chemicals is completely wrong.

2. Vaccinations before 5 years of age seriously jeopardize the babies health and would be illegal. 

Overall conclusion. Its by design.

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