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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Three Studies Examine Health of Vaccinated Vs. Unvaccinated

•, Steven Baker

The CDC vaccine schedule for children showed that that in 2019 there were a whopping 54 shots, 70 antigens and 16 diseases. 

The first study showed that children who were not vaccinated in the first year of life were far healthier than those who were vaccinated; for example, early-vaccinated children showed 273% more incidents of asthma by age 5. The second study that followed one doctor's practice showed a profound rise in behavioral issues, ADHD and other problems in vaccinated children. There were more infections in children who should have been protected by the vaccines. The third study surveyed 1,482 never-vaccinated children and adults who were far healthier regarding many illnesses including chronic ailments, developmental problems, autism and ADHD, cancer, arthritis, and more.

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