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2020-10-02 15:27
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Entered by: Chip Saunders
This recent marxist-inspired trend from the so-called "libertarian-socialist" wing that has appeared in the last 20 years has always been offensive to we libertarians who built up and assembled the party before the masses of disaffected former liberals showed up. The insane proposal that intellectual property is bunko was never heard by my ears until about 2011 or so. But as the collectivist-originating recent arrivals to the party have shown up, suddenly all these non-libertarian ideas of anti-capitalist genesis start getting bandied around as if they are legitimate and it sullies the once grand reputation of libertarians. That this is even being discussed in serious tones is a bleeding ulcer to our intellectual credibility.
2020-10-01 16:00
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Entered by: PureTrust
Youtube and DuckDuckGo search on "Private Membership Association." Done right, any organization can convert into a PMA, and do privately what they might not be able to do publicly, EXCEPT IN THE CASE WHERE THEY ARE ENDAGNERING THE LIVES OF PEOPLE. There are 70 solid Supreme Court cases that state that government authorities are not able to mess with PMAs. Also, the 1st, 4th, and 5th Amendments to the Constitution say the same. So, make them prove the case for life endangerment in your PMA via some stupid thing called Covid. They won't try, because you can find all kinds of doctors who will help you refute the Covid danger theory.
2020-10-01 15:47
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Entered by: PureTrust
Freedom isn’t only possible. Freedom has been set in place for us. Jesus said, “Everyone who sins is a slave to sin,” Saint Paul said, “It is for freedom that Christ has set you free.” This freedom was gained through Jesus dying on the cross, and rising again on the 3rd day after. Freedom is accessed by believing that Jesus did it. Isaiah says it this way: “On this mountain [the hill of Golgotha on Mount Zion that holds Jerusalem] he will destroy the shroud that enfolds all peoples, the sheet that covers all nations; he will swallow up death forever.” If you don’t understand and believe this, any freedom you get will only be temporary.
2020-09-30 07:19
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Entered by: PureTrust
Why in the world has the USA adopted the Chinese Communists as the medical authority? That's BS. And most people in the US don't even know that this has happened. Communists are government group dictatorship minded. This means that whatever the party line is, that's what gets published to the world - truth or lie. And we were suckered into it by the Deep State Swamp, in their efforts to bring in a formal one-world government. --- If you are a supporting Democrat, you are helping your party to screw the whole USA.
2020-09-30 07:08
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Entered by: PureTrust
Which scientists are puzzled? Watch the video here - - starting at 39 minutes. What you will see is that, while the US was sporting 431 deaths per million, 6 countries in Africa were sporting less than 1 death per million. The video shows the reason. Go to the video for the source of this info (Johns Hopkins). --- Africa has lots of malaria. The favorite drug to protect from malaria is hydroxychloroquine. HCQ has been safely used for malaria for decades all over Africa. It is 70% to 75% effective for malaria. But it is way more effective against Coronavirus. --- Stupid scientists.
2020-09-28 07:25
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Entered by: PureTrust
The important point was expressed by President Xi when he said that no nation has the right to control the destiny of others. The point is that behind the scenes, the nations are already joined as one nation of the world. And it isn't the puppet UN that controls. Rather, it is the world banking system, that operates through the Foreign Currency Exchange (Forex), which transfers funds back and forth between nations to the tune of $5 trillion a day. But the Forex is seen by anybody who wants to take a look. Is there something that is even deeper that controls the Forex but is entirely hidden from the eyes of the people?
2020-09-28 07:14
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Entered by: PureTrust
The point is that Google and Youtube and many others are rushing as fast as they can to make ways to control the whole Internet. So far sites like Freedom's Phoenix and most of the rest are able to post almost anything. We need to streamline our sites so that they open fast, and to look into ways to communicate without the centralization of the Internet. Sure, the Internet seems to not be centralized. But didn't the UN take it over a few years ago?
2020-09-26 10:50
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Entered by: PureTrust
If you are a man or woman, don't sue the CDC. Rather, invoice the CDC man or woman who damaged you through their actions and CDC operations. Then sue them person-to-person for not paying the invoice. When you sue them, they will probably not come to court, but send their attorney, instead. You, standing present and unrepresented, will call for them 3 times to appear, take the oath, get on the stand where you can question them. When they don't appear, you get a default judgement in the amount of the invoice and court costs and whatever else you have added to the suit. Then sell the judgment to "We Buy Judgments," to get your money.
2020-09-26 10:42
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Entered by: PureTrust
The founding father set the country up in such a way that government is directly in the hands of the people, way more than we recognize. Through all kinds of tricky training, government people over the decades have hidden this knowledge from the people. The biggest trick is that they have told us that we have to be represented in court, either by an attorney, or by ourself. But why would you represent yourself when you are present? If you are there, what does representation have to do with it? --- The reason is so that they can get artificial entities to be able to attack you. If you are present, you can require that your opponent be the kind of "person" who can take the oath, get on the stand, where you can question him/her, not his representative.
2020-09-26 10:00
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Entered by: PureTrust
Good thing that there are only a few people who know that you prepaid your own mortgage. I mean, money is anything you want it to be. Barter is simply trading a lot of different kinds of private money for other kinds of private money. Federal Reserve Notes are simply public money that everyone has to recognize. --- Your mortgage promissory note is private money that you create when you sign it. Banks trade public FRNs for your private mortgage note money. Then they sell your note on the open market, usually for less than the face value, because they know that you will pay them a second time over the next 30 years. So, they make a bunch of free money. You pay twice, plus interest for nothing, plus the devaluation of money in general.
2020-09-26 09:19
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Entered by: chris gill
I see this as a disaster for the republicans and the Maine taxpayers.
2020-09-23 16:39
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Entered by: PureTrust
Who cares? They're having fun!
2020-09-23 07:38
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Entered by: trevor
Well noted. One might also look at leftist or other books in the same period. Of course Noam Chomsky and Paul Craig Roberts are still cranking away as irrelevant as ever. But the antiwar left is...GONE. IT AIN'T THERE NO MORE. There's not even a remote scent of international awareness in BLM, it's not on the agenda. My hypothesis as a lifelong antiwar activist is that we lost, period. It turns out that Americans are spastically happy to be part of the greatest global military empire in history. 50+ years of complete failure has taught us the meaning of futility. It ends when it ends. Historically in flames.
2020-09-23 02:38
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Entered by: PureTrust
Is it any wonder? The way the China uncertain isolation of the virus was simply accepted by the American medical - the fact that they were selling the test kits countries worldwide back at least in 2017 - the way they fudge the death count by saying that those who died with Covid died of it - the fact that the PCR test only multiplies whatever virus is being looked for - the fact that the medical didn't even realize that the ventilators were what was killing the people - the way the medical is still downplaying the hydroxychloroquine-zinc Covid cure - the way medical big leaders, as well as the media, are silencing doctors who are trying to tell the truth - the point that vaccines are full of poisons, and are a failure in many ways. A best source of info is
2020-09-23 01:54
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Entered by: PureTrust
Libertarians would allow people to be free to choose the republic/non-republic that they choose. --- Libertarians don’t even realize the strength that they individually have, and have thousands of times more as a group. This strength is in the courts. --- Back in the ‘90s, there was a group led by Frank Gadola who practiced law. Some of them drove cars without licensing, all legal, if you recognize who you are. There was strength in their group, even though they had it only half right. Consider --- If you want the rest of the strength, listen to these tapes, and teach and use them in groups -
2020-09-22 19:33
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Entered by: PureTrust
Notice how they are careful to neglect Child Protective Service's involvement in trafficking some of the children.
2020-09-22 05:19
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Entered by: trevor
Interesting read. Ms. Luther kinda beats a hot hunk of steel into a flower in the process. You can taste some tears. Or is that sweat? She admits to fatigue and then some. There's a shift in tone. I guess we're not talking putatively as preppers anymore. Now we're speaking from experience. We just did round 1. Here comes round 2. For anyone that didn't listen to us before, you now have a lull in the action. Hurry.
2020-09-21 15:01
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Entered by: PureTrust
Does it burn?
2020-09-17 21:13
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Entered by: Ed Martin
Another moron who can't tell the difference between a "country" and a "government".
2020-09-17 15:32
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Entered by: PureTrust
Check out the European death count here - EUROMOMO - Europe is down to normal and below average. Why are they still doing the lockdowns? Check the map a little more than halfway down the page here - again, EUROMOMO - It goes way back to 2015, and shows that the beginning of 2017 may have been worse than our worst time of Covid. Of course, this is Europe. Who has a similar map of the USA? Most importantly is that Bill Gates and his bunk are totally wacky - but maybe whacky against the people of the world.
2020-09-17 14:55
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Entered by: PureTrust
"I See A Ray Of Light" What?! You see a ray of light?! Watch this - - for the first 15 minutes, and see that your ray of light was available all the way back in March 2020. There is a study shown that proves more deaths in 2019 and 2018, and 2017 was the worst, but we never had a lockdown/shutdown world back then. I'm glad you are finally seeing a ray of light. --- Of course, I respect that you even report in FP. I don't, so that sets you up for more praise than it does me. But all you are saying is that the false advertisers of Big Media have been winning all along, because there was no reason for lockdowns in the first place. And this was known already back in March.
2020-09-17 10:00
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Entered by: PureTrust
What's the biggest thing taught in the classroom? It isn't things like reading, writing or arithmetic. And I'll sim[ply point out one of them here. You can find others when you think about it. But... all kids of elementary age would love to be out in the real woods of nature, running and jumping and living life to the fullest. But they are taught to SIT, in the classroom. Of course, there are other government/big-business kinds of indoctrination.
2020-09-14 13:28
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Entered by: chris gill
while it is clear that this candidate has no regard for the office she/he is running for. Just as bad is any republican voting her/him in. Then complain about it. At least the candidate was honest about the positions even if it is screwed up. This shows how ignorant voters can be as well as lazy. Also I think that some but not all may have voted in the primary who were not republicans. I think if you do not have a stated party you can chose to vote in NH primary for the party you wish to
2020-09-11 13:46
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Entered by: chris gill
He is so stupid that he can't fathom that the "rich" taxpayers will not just sit there and take it anymore. with the city's and state going to hell in a hand basket cutting police budgets, and failure to provide basic security to the young and old. Failure to prosecute rioters and thugs and a total lack of leadership I suspect many more will bail out. God help those that can't afford to leave.
2020-09-10 14:40
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Entered by: chris gill
I am glad they got charged. But want a conviction. My true guess is a tap on the wrist and a small charge as I am willing to bet they will get funds to support them in fighting the charges. (from democratic sources of course.
2020-09-09 18:30
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Entered by: PureTrust
Quebec is a civil law province. The rest of Canada is common law. A jury trial in Quebec is under the orders of the judge/magistrate. The jury has to follow the judge's orders, and essentially is only an advisory team for the judge. The jury is only used in Quebec for bigger crimes. In the rest of Canada, the jury has power greater than the judge/magistrate. If the Bundys in Oregon had been tried in Quebec for the same crimes, they would have lost, because the Quebec jury wouldn't have had the power to free them even if they wanted to. Quebec civil law.
2020-09-09 13:26
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Entered by: chris gill
more proof they are already bought and payed for and not for sale.
2020-09-09 13:14
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Entered by: chris gill
yes they are. But being woke so they get another government hand out.
2020-09-09 13:08
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Entered by: chris gill
May they be so work they go broke.
2020-09-08 10:05
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Entered by: PureTrust
Does anybody have real research proof that the Covid virus was isolated, according to approved and accepted medical standards? All the Covid virus isolation that I have seen has been so sloppily done that the so-called virus could be anything. But it is probably exosomes. Check out why reports of proper virus isolation haven't been published, right here >>> Be patient. It's less than 8 minutes of pure power.