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2020-12-16 16:01
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Entered by: EstherCook
Have Courage, Stephen Lendman! It is NOT over. Trump ends all his speeches with a call to give glory to G-d. His Oath of Office Jane 2016 was a promise to GOD to uphold the Constitution, which means he cannot and will not back down. He has many arrows left in his arsenal, but this is far more than one election. To REALLY handle this, Americans must face how rotten the whole system is--elections run from Serbia, Germany, Spain, Pakistan and Red China, pedophile leaders all over the world, corrupt courts, BOTH major parties,and on and on. You have faced a lot of it. So have tens of millions of your fellow Americans and around the world. It CANNOT end until most of us have faced reality, and that means it must get worse for a while. Courage! Trump is winning. Righteousness is winning. And you personally are a Soldier of G-d.
2020-12-16 14:37
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Entered by: chris gill
so what? It's not like they will send her to jail or anything. They will probably even let her keep the money. She along with the DNC will receive no bad press. And if Biden sits on the thrown come January you can bet it all goes away, including hunter's problems and any investigation in the family corruption along with any Obama's crime family.
2020-12-16 14:28
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Entered by: chris gill
sorry but California's poor choice of leaders has its price. They got the leadership they voted for. the government they wanted . Now is time to face your choices bent over and prepared to take it like the liberal voters you are.....
2020-12-16 14:22
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Entered by: chris gill
the result of this election may very well be the demise of both parties as we know them. Republicans proved once again to be part of the swamp with no intentions of backing conservatives or voters who just want the government to run constitutionally. It may well mean a new MEGA type party begins. The same for the ultra socialist liberals for the democratic party as well as the Bernie communist democrats who want a far left party who feel the democrats won't go far enough.
2020-12-13 13:55
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Entered by: chris gill
surprise surprise a 2 yo uncooperative. United needs to be publicly shamed as well as sued. then explain their stupidity to both the congress as well as the American people.
2020-12-12 10:14
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Entered by: PureTrust
Time for the people to hire their own gun patrols. Look into "Oath Keeprs." Many of them are retired police, and will train your little neighborhood watch group on how to protect yourselves.
2020-12-12 10:10
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Entered by: PureTrust
Great pic, Frosty. Should be able to win some contests with that one.
2020-12-12 10:00
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Entered by: PureTrust
But didn't this hoax really start in the Garden of Eden? The snake hoaxed Adam and Eve, like he was the good guy, and God wasn't to be trusted. That original part of the hoax is still working today, with so many people placing no or little trust in God, but lots of faith and trust in the double snake - What's that? Two snakes and the eagle? The snake has strengthened himself, and he has come to get America.
2020-12-12 09:53
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Entered by: PureTrust
That you guys are doing this is really great! Perhaps the rest of us can learn from you, so that we can apply it in our State. --- One more thing to do is to figure out how to file it in claim form, rather than as a complaint. And after you get this done, figure out how to file it in basic claim form, man-to-man, each and every man/woman, in his/her own claim, directly against the man who acts in the office of governor. Then, to learn off mistakes of each other, so that when a person fails in his claim, the next person will know what to do differently.
2020-12-11 11:29
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Entered by: PureTrust
FOR GOD AND COUNTRY. God made the universe in 6 days. God controls it all. He controls it according to His desires, and according to the faith of His people, and according to the unbelief of those who are not His people. As long as we don't add God formally to our living of life, we will always be living a life of the lie.
2020-12-10 11:24
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Entered by: PureTrust
Didn't the courts strike down Newsom's ability to do this? What happened? Did the California legislature give these powers back to Newsom? See: Court Strikes Down Newsom’s “One-man rule” -
2020-12-09 09:45
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Entered by: PureTrust
The Christian religion among the people is the only true reason for the freedom success they have in America. If Christianity can be crushed in America, it will go down in Britain, Canada, and all the rest of the nations. Of course, this means that Jesus will have to come back and straighten things out. We want Jesus's return, of course. So, why not in our time rather than a hundred years from now?
2020-12-09 09:40
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Entered by: PureTrust
This is a really good thing. It shows that Trump, his team, and many other Republicans are trying to do this the out-in-the-open, honorable way. There are reasons why SCOTUS wouldn't rule on this. But mostly it was the way that it was worded. Wording that focused on the illegal and dishonest activities that were used with mail-in voting might have gotten a better response. HOWEVER, when Trump is blocked in every direct, legal recourse, to maintain his oath of office, he will have to go the military route - limited martial law. Such will give us a far better clean-up of the corruption, even though it might agonize the people. The people can blame the courts for not allowing Trump to do it the easy, comfortable way, with court cases against him coming after he gets things cleaned up militarily.
2020-12-08 16:11
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Entered by: PureTrust
Seems to me that an affidavit can be nullified if the affiant is required to get on the stand under oath and speak the affidavit into the record, or at least affirm that such affidavit is his affidavit, but doesn't do so.
2020-12-08 14:08
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Entered by: NakedSheriff
Must have been a liberal. Leftists love guns.
2020-12-08 10:31
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Entered by: trevor
For a while my phone had this ring tone that was so lyrical that it formed words in my mind. I can't type the tune but here are the words that aggregated around it: Santa was a fag at least the people would all say that he used to dress in drag and join in all of the raindeer games which really wasn't that bad, he looked happy and he was loosing weight but then he told his dad worst day he ever had. A phantasm of drunken stupor or dire prophecy for our nation? You decide, dear reader.
2020-12-07 07:17
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Entered by: PureTrust
The video in this article shows what I have been talking about for a long time, regarding Karl Lentz. These people are probably not associated with Karl in any way. If you want to see more details about this kind of thing, start with the Youtube videos listed at Then do Net searches on any wording you can think of to find even more. Next, get the legal books and the law books out, and study in the direction that Karl teaches.
2020-12-07 06:49
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Entered by: PureTrust
The Constitution doesn't give the President the authority to do this. The way he gets the authority is by taxing interstate stuff, which he has the authority to do. Send the raw materials interstate, and manufacture and sell the guns inside the state only. This will give the people a closer-to-government opportunity to fight for proper law >>> within their State, not having to fight the Federal, as well.
2020-12-07 06:43
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Entered by: PureTrust
But look at this one thing. Look at how high the ships are sitting in the water. Notice the waterline on the ships, indicating that if the ships were full, they would be sitting a lot lower in the water. Do you think, maybe, the flotilla is going to Venezuela to pick up some oil? After all, Venezuela has their own oil fields, don't they? But maybe not adequate refineries. What's really going on?
2020-12-07 06:33
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Entered by: PureTrust
The birth certificate is a transfer of property form. When the mother signs it, she is transferring her child into trustee care of government. Is she really transferring ownership of her child to government? No! But she is making it look like she is doing so in the eyes of government. This means that she will have to battle in court to get her children/property back from government. It's why government can require their form of schooling, even with home schooling to some extent. --- The easy way is to sign the birth certificate, "non-assumpsit, Signature." "Non-assumpsit" means "no contract" in Latin, legal language. Government know right from the start that the mother hasn't transferred her property to the State. Yet she is adhering to customary "law" by signing the birth certificate.
2020-12-03 17:30
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Entered by: Andy Lamdin
Absent Astrazeneca being held liable, I 'll have to inform the individual who tries to force a vaccine on me and his/her supervisor that told/conspired with them. I'll need both of them to sign off on my liability notice for them to proceed. It seems to me since neither the person administering the vaccine nor their supervisor will have twenty million dollars in assets to pay in case of damage to me from them administering the vaccine, that they should buy liability insurance. My guess is that no organization would insure either the administer or the supervisor. I don't want the vaccine and my aim is to put the front-line workers in the HOT seat. Think of the end of Alice's Restaurant. If one person a day did the above at each place administering vaccines, they might think it weird... Image if two people a day did that at each facility, they might think it very strange... Imagine, I say, imagine if FIFTY people a day did it at each facility, they might think it's a movement!
2020-12-03 06:45
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Entered by: Andy Lamdin
Big brother? Uncle Sam?... All in the family, right -- NOT! It's The Man. 'The Man' came out of the beat "generation" of the late fifties and carried into the sixties counter culture that was activists and hippies. It's The Man keeping me down. I still too many anarchists using the "all in the family" euphemisms.
2020-12-02 22:20
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Entered by: trevor
Uh wow. One of his best public speeches ever. Where was this measured, informed tone before now? Where are the clashing incomplete sentences?
2020-11-30 18:30
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Entered by: PureTrust
Come on! Everybody knows that we have the best government that money can buy!
2020-11-28 11:45
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Entered by: PureTrust
Too bad people don't know how to use The Federal District Court, the court that is really made for them to use. Here's a video with some pointers, even though JC doesn't explain it all the way. But he shows the basics of what THOSE 3 GUYS did to adjudicate their case themselves, even though he doesn't show why it worked. Federal Courts part of CORPUS JURIS SECUNDUM, section 744. Why don't they explain it in detail? Because an enemy might be able to use it to destroy much of government or anything else in law, legally, since nobody else seems to know how to use it right to counter them. Check out, especially the end, where the answer exists without the reasons why.
2020-11-28 11:32
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Entered by: PureTrust
Well, what can you expect? You are going to find many elements and compounds all over the universe. The second day of creation, God separated the waters, placing the sky between them = waters under the sky and waters above the sky. Before that, all the material in the universe was the Earth. So, you will find all the elements out there all over the place. It doesn't have anything to do with finding life out there.
2020-11-28 11:23
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Entered by: PureTrust
The Bible is a direct record by the people of Israel. In addition, God showed Moses what to write in the first 5 books of the Bible. The Masoretic texts, the base for almost all of our Bible translations of today, says that the universe is about 6,000 years old. The Septuagint, and Josephus using Hebrew texts, say that the universe is about 7500 years old. --- When these science jokers are so far off that they say 200,000 years, with the idea that the universe is 13 to 14 billion years old, how can you really trust anything they say?
2020-11-28 11:03
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Entered by: PureTrust
Our Constitutional right for almost anything is found in the 9th Amendment. This right for almost anything might extend to the easy elimination of government in any way, at least regarding us. But be careful to not use it while using it, at the same time, in court. The 9th Amendment,, "Amendment IX - The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." Which other rights? Any rights that you see fit, as long as you don't harm or directly threaten other people, or damage their property. So, the Gov is right regarding a direct Constitutional right, but he is wrong regarding rights retained by the people.
2020-11-27 11:30
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Entered by: chris gill
Is it just me or does anyone else get tired of all the studies showing hormones, proteins, defective genes or other methods showing what may help us from getting old and or fat. Yet nothing seems to ever come out for the market even though all these things show great promise.
2020-11-26 22:58
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Entered by: jiojiojp73
Any of you interested in asic miner design mining tools sold on Zeus