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2020-08-18 11:34
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Entered by: chris gill
the town people allowed this to happen. They could of stood up to them and drove them out of town like other communities did. They were clearly breaking the law by threating them. Maybe there is something to say about old fashion buckboards, tar and feathering.
2020-08-18 11:07
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Entered by: Anonymous
PSST - [another] WAKE-UP CALL. Remaining productive, sane, INFORMED, REPENTing/REDEEMed “close-quartered/herded citYzens/urbies”, not yet “red county rural” - tick-tock. To all the fellow productive “country-Folk” – GROUPed/GUNned/GARDENed and . . . System-D SIMPLIFIED on a portion of arable, UN-addressed/UN-encumbered inland, rural “allodial” GROUND . . . “carry on”! “Thrive-in-place”! Lock[ed] and load[ed]. NO Fear/Hate when . . ."where two or three GATHER together . . .", What/Who "abides"? “JC always before me”! Hoo-rah
2020-08-18 11:02
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Entered by: Anonymous
This is NOT rocket telemetry/astrophysics/brain surgery. The PRIVATELY-held "Feral" [NO]Reserve has been/continues "QE to infinity" shoveling out additional filthy lucre FIAT DEBT w/ abandon since the Sept, 2019 REPO "squeeze", and never since "resolved". The other major CB's - PBOC, BOJ, ECB doing the same. The on-going PLANdemic farce being the current "cover". The ultimate/final distraction before the current ponzi implosion occurs and covert final REAL asset consolidation/transfer being another big-ass WAR . . . as usual. Wash, rinse, recycle as usual.
2020-08-17 14:04
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Entered by: chris gill
we will basically do what our master in the CDC and the liberal democraps tell us to do. No mater how ineffective or stupid they may be. Any evidence to the country is blocked by most media sights and if you have any involvement with government you have no choice if you want to work, shop, go to school or even see a vet or doctor.
2020-08-14 12:23
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Entered by: chris gill
note on how quick the democraps claimed their failures as a great success. They did everything to stab Israel in the back. yet claim they "helped" the process by establishing the foot work.
2020-08-14 10:10
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Entered by: PureTrust
There are positive points in almost every situation. Continually posting the negative points only depresses people. See my below comment.
2020-08-14 10:07
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Entered by: PureTrust
What is really going on is that government has become a "has-been." And government people know it. So, they are trying to reduce our social interactions with facemasks. Well, it will backfire on them. As we get sick of being socially separated, we will get rid of the facemasks, and start living without formal governments. After all, the stuff that governments do are mostly done to make government people some money, or to make it look like they are doing something useful, like a sales pitch to us, so that we think they have an excuse to exist.
2020-08-12 19:06
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Entered by: PureTrust
No city council recalls? Maybe the people like it without cops.
2020-08-12 19:02
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Entered by: PureTrust
Place fences around your land with notices attached to the fences. --- NOTICE: Use of this land by unauthorized persons is subject to $10,000 per minute user fee, plus damages and expenses accrued from the damages, plus court costs. Any unauthorized equipment found on the land belongs to the owner. --- I'm sure your attorney can figure out better, more inclusive wording.
2020-08-12 15:25
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Entered by: PureTrust
"As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man." If you don't acknowledge God in everything you do, you will ultimately fail. After all, you are going to die, aren't you?
2020-08-12 15:19
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Entered by: PureTrust
Ron Pail's points are great points to talk about. In addition, they might be somewhere down there near the bottom of what counts, legally. But Ron Paul is doing more damage to freedom by not pointing out the basic thing. Which is, if you are damaged by anybody in government, president or senator or congressman, sue the sucker, man-to-man, for the damage he did. Forget the whole blab that RP generally talks about. Get to the point of suing government people for harming you. Sue them man-to-man in common law court of record. --- Regarding Covid, there is no foundational proofs for a virus, even SARS. The foundational tests weren't done properly. See and watch his videos where he breaks down the failures in properly identifying the virus.
2020-08-11 13:29
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Entered by: chris gill
So how else do we make an informed decision? People and government took the word of educational experts that they knew best how to educate our children. Social scientist feminists said a males only role is to provide a paycheck and little else. Are we as a nation, family, as social being any better for listening to the experts? Were the experts right about eggs? the manufactured fats used for years in our food?
2020-08-10 13:36
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Entered by: chris gill
were are the ANTIFA guys and gals???? Were are the BLM people???? Didn't they promise to shut down the rally???? Here I am with snacks ready surfing the net for the encounter.
2020-08-05 14:36
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Entered by: chris gill
I for one wonder of the wisdom of making it over the counter drug. I am more for making it lawful and making it so doctors can proscribe it for persons who test positive as well as those who were exposed to Covid by an individual who is active.
2020-08-04 13:26
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Entered by: Jane Liu
What is our end goal with COVID-19 ? Is our goal to wait until we have zero reported cases? Till COVID-19's eradicated? Till we have a vaccine? Till every person's vaccinated? Oe zero deaths? or even 1 death per/100,000 people?
2020-08-04 13:24
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Entered by: Jane Liu
What is our end goal with COVID-19? Is our goal to wait until we have zero reported cases? Till COVID-19's eradicated? Till we have a vaccine? Till every person's vaccinated? Oe zero deaths? or even 1 death per/100,000 people?
2020-08-04 11:39
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Entered by: PureTrust
But you must ABSOLUTELY so research into the efficacy of modern scientific research. For example, Louis Pasteur wrote in his memoirs that he lied about some of his experimentation. And another example is that the basic, foundational work for viruses is accepted as true, when there are all kinds of alternate and counter theories. Exosomes are virus-like units that cells excrete to protect themselves. In fact, science has not been able to determine the difference between some exosomes and their virus counterparts. In fact, science has seen under the microscope some exosomes that look just like viruses coming out of the cells
2020-08-01 19:05
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Entered by: Voxi Pop
World Exclusive: New Epstein Insider Interview 07/31/2020 "Warlords, Pedophiles and Spies" - "75% of (Epstein) story untold..." This new 2 hour interview with Epstein former employer and high finance ex-con Steve Hoffman is not available on You Tube or other mainstream or internet outlets
2020-07-30 12:13
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Entered by: PureTrust
In the UK, do the same basic thing as the comment here - But do it in Queen's Bench court if it goes that far.
2020-07-30 12:10
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Entered by: PureTrust
Time to make some money. Stop wearing masks, etc. Live like normal. If anybody - especially government people, or law enforcement - order you to put on your mask, the first thing to do is identify him/her as a man/woman: "Hey, man/Lady." The next thing to do is state you wish: " I wish to not wear a mask (whatever)." The third thing to say is: "is this an order?" If it's an order, do it, and invoice the person giving the order (or his superior) for, say, $250,000 ($500,000?). When it gets to court (because they don't pay you), be ready with witnesses and recordings and videos of the whole thing. If they don't show up, get a summary judgment, and sell it to "We Buy Judgments" for 10% of the face value. MAKE SOME MONEY.
2020-07-29 07:50
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Entered by: Anonymous
I cannot find the app on Google Play!
2020-07-23 13:46
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Entered by: chris gill
to many anti gunners tampering with evidence, lies and false prosecutions is probably the norm.
2020-07-21 15:58
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Entered by: PureTrust
That little start of a pot belly he has, is a sign that is intestinal flora is getting out of balance.
2020-07-21 15:22
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Entered by: PureTrust
It doesn't work this way. There might be big talk by the Gov, through advisories, but the courts will require that he prove the pandemic. Chinese identification of Covid in their reports was never conclusive for several reasons. See Andrew Kaufman at,, The Covid testing is based on identification that could fit any of a number of viruses, including the common cold. Get your expert witnesses lined up, and take Ducey and the whole bunch of them to court.
2020-07-21 14:41
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Entered by: PureTrust
Sure, it might be a hassle. But government doesn't have the authority considering the Constution and the Amendments to order this. So, let them know that it is not your wish to obey; then ask if it is an order (mostly to keep you from being arrested for your wish). Then invoice them for $500,000 ($10,000,000?) to keep them from violating their oath of office to uphold the Constitution (and Amendments) - where the 13th Amendment says no involuntary servitude. You wished to NOT. They ordered. Involuntary. Then do it = obey. Of course, record all your conversation and have witnesses.
2020-07-19 17:34
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Entered by: chris gill
It is to the point were it is the deep state flexing it's mussels to show any freedom minded peon who is in charge. Put your mask back on stay in your basement, who cares if your businesses or jobs go away. You better vote liberal socialist democrat in the next election or else.....
2020-07-19 17:18
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Entered by: PureTrust
All that the IRS can do is go by your signed paperwork. When you tell them on their Form W-4 that you have 5 exemptions, you are telling them that you agree to be under their taxing system. Instead, fill out your W-4 with your name, address, and SSN, same as usual. Then on all the lines, write "n-a" and sign the W-4 "non-assumpsit" (no contract) your sig. Then, write "EXEMPT" across the form before you send it to your employer. And make sure you don't have any other agreements with the IRS.
2020-07-19 10:35
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Entered by: chris gill
don't worry every good dead gets its own punishment. She will probably drop him soon.
2020-07-19 10:33
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Entered by: chris gill
It is not the point that it does nothing to stop Covid 19 or any other virus. It is a power and control for the socialist liberals. Just a showing of power in case the peon's among their subjects any wear start thinking for themselves.
2020-07-18 11:56
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Entered by: chris gill
people haven't stopped panic buying since the start of the Virus. The shelves of things I normally use to clean the house are still bare. Some I haven"t seen in months.