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New York

Article Image - Louis Rossmann

Well into the pandemic, with hundreds of thousands of people leaving, with an economic recession underway, 110 year old buildings in Brooklyn in lower middle class neighborhoods are still commanding several million dollars. What the...

Article Image by Tyler Durden

ew York City's biggest landlords have a major dilemma; that is, companies like Citigroup, JP Morgan, Google, Twitter, and Facebook all encouraged their employees to work remotely from home, which will result in a slower economic recovery.

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For years, Bryant Park Grill & Cafe in Midtown Manhattan has been one of the country's top-grossing restaurants, the star property in Ark Restaurants' portfolio of 20 restaurants across the United States. But what propelled it to the top has van

Article Image, By Chris Jewers

Hundreds of homeless people who have been put up in luxury hotels on Manhattan's Upper West Side by the city as part of its efforts to prevent COVID-19 outbreaks in shelters are terrifying residents by urinating, sleeping and taking drugs in the stre

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is desperately begging rich people to return to the state and to New York City. He's killed off the old people by sending Covid patients into nursing homes and he's killed off the economy by shutting down, but he's offe