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Just days ago, Bloomberg estimated 30-year-old Sam Bankman-Fried's (SBF) personal wealth at an astonishing $16 billion. Now, the disgraced FTX founder is essentially bankrupt, and if there is a shred of justice in the world, soon headed for prison.

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Ron Paul Liberty Report

One thing you will not see is the mainstream media looking into failed crypto-exchange/ponzi scheme FTX. Why? It's founder, Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) was the second largest Democrat Party donor after George Soros. SBF's parents were part of the financi

Article Image By Jim Hoft

Los Angeles County Drops Criminal Charges Against Konnech Chief Eugene Yu the Day After Midterm Elections

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Activist Post

New Hampshire lawmakers did not run afoul of the Constitution in making it a crime to ridicule people with false statements, the First Circuit held Tuesday, but a concurring judge said it's time for the Supreme Court to overrule its precedent in th

Article Image, By Ben Bartee

This week in the dystopian Brave New World techno-hell, Oakland, California police publicly lobbied for legal permission to arm robots with shotguns for civilian law enforcement purposes: "The controversy began at the September 21 meeting of

Article Image by Mark Jeftovic

Nothing is Forgotten, Nothing Will Be Forgiven. On the very first day of this year I wrote that the pandemic was over and that only the most brainwashed true believers would cling to the absurd narratives that enabled it. Since then, all of it has b

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POLICE audio stated the GUY who attacked PELOSI was a FRIEND; Drone Footage Of Pelosi's House Break In Released!; Story That Does Not Make Sense; Pelosi Attacker's Websites Were Fakes; Pelosi Was Drunk Again, And In a Dispute With a Male Prostitu

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Zero Hedge

Outrage Ensues After The Atlantic Suggests 'Amnesty' For Pandemic Authoritarians. "We're not just going to forget what happened when our lives were turned upside down..."

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Real Clear Wire

Two weeks before the 2022 midterms, fear of crime is second only to worries over inflation and recession. Both issues - personal security and economic security - affect voters directly.