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Media -**QQ**Fake News**QQ**

Article Image by Jo Nova

-the secret cabal of Big-Government, University, Media and NGO's Imagine if the national postal service had secret blacklists of people whose mail "should be lost"?

Article Image by Ron Paul

Thanks to the latest release of the "Twitter Files," we now know without a doubt that the entire "Russia disinformation" racket was a massive disinformation campaign to undermine US elections and perhaps even push "regime change" inside t

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Steven Crowder -

Conservative media giants are no better than Big Tech. The people you thought were fighting for you have been putting quick profits and the appeasement of their tech overlords ahead of any real conservative values. I can't continue if this does. It's

Article Image by Ron Paul Liberty Report

Journalists are supposed to inform the public. That is the job of what has been referred to as the Fourth Estate. They are supposed to expose the crimes of the state against the people. But something is very wrong with our mainstream media.

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Russell Brand -

Here is my conversation with Tim Robbins, who has won an Academy Award and two Golden Globe Awards during his career. He explains his awakening during the pandemic & how somethings didn't seem right to him…

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"We will answer this question. It is the question that I am sure keeps the CEOs of Pfizer and Moderna up late at night hoping no one ever looks. But we are going to look here in Florida"

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The passing of this act (Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012) - scripted and orchestrated propaganda can now be presented to the American public as factual news...

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Russell Brand -

Jeffrey Sachs appeared on live show on Rumble, where he extensively explains the conflict in Ukraine and what the west has done to make the situation worst pre 2022