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Media -**QQ**Fake News**QQ**

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Paul Craig Roberts

..."fact checkers" are unintelligent people devoid of integrity who are hired to support official narratives by stamping out truth and dissenting opinion. Who checks the "fact checkers?" There is no reason to trust a "fact checker."

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Caitlin Johnstone - Substack

Mainstream punditry in the latter half of 2022 is rife with op-eds arguing that the US needs to vastly increase military spending because a world war is about to erupt, and they always frame it as though this would be something that happens to the US

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Russell Brand -

Elon Musk is making all the headlines again - be it his on/off/on again purchase of Twitter, his innovations in the world of AI robots or his proposals for the resolution of the Ukraine war. But what space does Musk occupy in our society, and why d

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Armstrong Economics

I really wish all the news channels returned to reporting the news instead of you will die in 3 hours so turn in so we can tell you the minute you will die so you can make your last phone call.

Article Image By Nat Parry

Anyone in journalism who wants to regain that trust would do well to read American Dispatches and internalize the lessons that Robert Parry offers, writes Nat Parry.

Article Image by Tyler Durden

CNN is down one potato after the network canceled host Brian Stelter's Sunday media affairs show, Reliable Sources, leaving tens of fans crestfallen.

Article Image by Alex Jones Show

The shallow husk that is CNN has finally figured out that they must rid themselves of the demons within. Brian Stelter has just had his show cancelled and his days of being a Democrat mouth piece are numbered.

Article Image by Alex Jones Show

The shallow husk that is CNN has finally figured out that they must rid themselves of the demons within. Brian Stelter has just had his show cancelled and his days of being a Democrat mouth piece are numbered.
