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Trump Administration

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The Burning Platform

Now that the gunplay and colorful flash-mobbery of Juneteenth has concluded, it's on to next week's big debate between the two major party candidates - if debate is even the right description for what is more like a joint press conference conduct

Article Image, By Teeuwe Mevissen

Yesterday, news came out that Trump's last national security advisor Robert O'Brien has written an article that will be published in the next edition of the renowned foreign policy magazine Foreign Affairs.

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Zero Hedge

At the recent Libertarian National Convention, President Trump vowed to "stop Joe Biden's crusade to crush crypto," and assured Bitcoin holders specifically that he supports the right to self-custody.

Article Image, By Neenah Payne

Military Coup Planned If Trump Wins? shows that many Americans believe the Biden administration has been engaging in "lawfare" to try to keep Donald Trump from campaigning and winning the presidency again. However, their efforts seem to be backfi
