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Article Image, PEPE ESCOBAR

This glimpse of "fear in a handful of dust" already ranks as one the prime breakthroughs of the young 21st century, presented this week by Chief of Russian Radiation, Chemical, and Biological Protection Force Igor Kirillov.

Article Image by Paul Craig Rob

The Kremlin's weak responses to provocations continue to encourage the West to bring Russia more, and more dangerous, provocations.

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https://www.paulcraigroberts.orgPaul Craig Roberts

My forebodings/predictions about the Kremlin's limited go-slow war in Ukraine are proving correct. Putin and Russia are demonized. Unprecedented sanctions amounting to piracy and theft have been imposed on Russia.

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The Russian armed forces arrested Canadian General Trevor Cadieu in Mariupol on the night of 2-3 May 2022. He is currently in Moscow awaiting to stand trial.

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Ron Paul Institute - Daniel McAdams

A few reflections about the current status of the US/Russia war. Yes, I wrote it: US/Russia war. Let's call things what they really are. In fact, this is no conspiracy theory at all.