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Article Image - Taki Theodoracopulos

If Western universities were not brimming with leftist professors, the present situation in Ukraine would surprise no one.

Article Image by Tyler Durden

Russia said it fired a hypersonic aero-ballistic air-to-ground missile for the first time in the three-week invasion of Ukraine, destroying a weapons bunker in the southwestern region of the country, according to Bloomberg.

Article Image, byJim Kunstler

Amid an all-out campaign of contrived World War Three hysteria, our country aims to send about $14-billion in aid to Ukraine post-haste, including more javelin anti-tank missiles and weapons described as "kamikaze drones," posing some thorny ques

Article Image by Dave DeCamp

CIA paramilitaries had been training Ukrainian forces on the frontlines of the Donbas war against Russian-backed separatists since 2014 and were only pulled out by the Biden administration last month, Yahoo News reported on Wednesday, citing former U
