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Article Image By Del Bigtree

Landmark 5G Lawsuit Win; Is Delta or the CDC more dangerous for kids?; School Board Wars Rage On, Dr. Reinold's take; Del educates on Covid in Georgia; Children's advocacy group rallies August 21st

Article Image by JUDY BYINGTON

Around 600 corpses of tortured babies lay in a Bad Neuenahr Ahrweiler Germany gymnasium this week according to eyewitnesses. The bodies had washed up into homes and rivers during extensive floods and were believed from an extensive underground tunnel

Article Image

Earth Heroes TV

Join Dr. Eric Nepute, Dr. Pam Popper, Andrew Kaufman, Leigh Dundes, Reinette Senum, Imani Mamalution, Dr. Lawrence Palevsky for PART 1 of: Educational Options with Homeschooling, Unschooling, Deschooling