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Organic Prepper - J G Martinez

Children who come of age during extremely difficult times must grow up fast and learn very different lessons than kids from other circumstances.

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Covid-19 vaccine testing is now expanding to children as young as six in AstraZeneca trials in the UK, and Moderna will soon follow suit in the US. With #Covid19 related death rates in children almost nonexistent, and injuries and deaths from the vac

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The Daily Wire

Disney Slaps 'Offensive Content' Label On The Muppet Show. "Rather than remove this content, we want to acknowledge its harmful impact..."

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The Highwire - Del Bigtree

Moms of elementary school kids have a round table discussion on the psychological effects of their children wearing masks all day at school. Is an epidemic of childhood PTSD, or social anxiety disorders, on the horizon? Then, Catharine Layton, the pa

Article Image - Andrew Napolitano

Amid arguments in the Senate over whether the impeachment of former President Donald Trump is constitutional, and in the House over whether $1.9 trillion is enough money to borrow and distribute to select taxpayers and institutions, there have been r

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Natural News - Ethan Huff

"John Weaver led a secret life that was built on a foundation of deception at every level," the Lincoln Project said in a Jan. 31 statement. "He is a predator, a liar, and an abuser. We extend our deepest sympathies to those who were targeted b

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Awaken With JP

Learn the most effective ways to raise weak children. If you're a parent who wants to ensure your child is weak when they grow up, pay close attention. With proper application these tips are 100% effective at raising weak children.