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United States

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The darkest time in American history. I saw someone refer to the Trump Presidency as "possibly the darkest time in American history." I've heard some iteration of that many times from people still in a frenzy over the Trump Administration.

Article Image, Paul Craig Roberts

"We need a political intervention to make this situation end. He (Assange) is the only political prisoner in Western Europe." Juan Braco

Article Image,Paul Craig Robert

The US military/security complex has taken another step toward Armageddon. The Pentagon has prepared a nuclear posture review (NPR) that gives the OK to development of smaller "useable" nuclear weapons and permits their use in response to a non-n

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A great many people - especially conservatives - reverence the Constitution, consider that it has been abused and that if only the doctrines expressed within were revived and respected, all would be well with America again.

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