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United States

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NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. crude oil production shattered a 47-year output record in November and retreated slightly in December, the U.S. Energy Department said on Wednesday, as oil production from shale continued to upend global supply patterns.

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In drafting a resolution seeking to condemn Iran for its role in Yemen's ongoing civil war, the United States--along with its UN Security Council allies Britain and France--seems to have cherry-picked information from a UN report that condemned a

Article Image, by Edward Curtin

The compulsive hatred of Putin by many who have almost zero idea about Putin or Russian history is disproportionate to any rational analysis, but not surprising. Trump and Putin are like weird doppelgangers in the liberal imagination."--John Stepp

Article Image, by Jeff Thomas

In the first photo, taken in 1972, US President Richard Nixon made what was then considered a bold move, visiting Mao Zedong in Communist China. Literally, as well as figuratively, Chairman Mao is on the left and Mr. Nixon is on the right.

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Doug Casey -Executivr Orders

Doug Casey wrote that in a recent email he sent me. He was talking about one of Donald Trump's latest executive orders. The order, signed in December, gives the US government power to block the property of persons "involved in serious human right

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