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United States

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In 2013, for the first time since the Pew organization began polling Americans on the question five decades earlier, the majority (52%) said the United States should "mind its own business" and allow other countries to get along on their own. Tod

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According to news reports in the British press, Russian President Vladimir Putin has instructed Russia's industries to prepare themselves to be able to make a quick switch to war production.

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The US State Department has announced that it is going to spend a million dollars to prop up anti-government newspapers in the Hungarian countryside, which would have a direct effect on the upcoming Hungarian elections. Isn't this what the US claims

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If the United States climbs into bed with the Israelis and Saudis and commits to take down Iran it will wind up having to do the hard fighting in a war that could be unwinnable in any conventional sense.

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The U.S. unemployment rate is a low 4.3% and headed lower. Yet inflation remains below 2%. Globalization, China, slow growth, and "transitory factors" such as cheaper cell phone plans help explain stubbornly low inflation. But they're not the w

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With the missing dates for the time capsule, the seemingly superfluous numerical information about the dimensions, and the anagram hidden in a purposeful misspelling, it's obvious this whole thing is a puzzle… but what's the answer?

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Fakery and trickery are not solutions; they are a

Fakery and trickery are not solutions; they are a form of self-delusional madness that destroys the nation's ability to face reality squarely and choose real solutions, no matter how painful the choice and path might be.

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In every trade, both sides benefit, from their own individual perspective. The reason is simple: Each side is giving up something he values less for something he values more.