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Article Image, by Jacob G. Hornberger

The title of an article in Newsweek yesterday makes an interesting point: "Russians Keep Mysteriously Falling from Windows to Their Deaths." Newsweek wonders why that is happening so often in Russia.

Article Image by Douglas Macgre

When the Combined Chiefs of Staff Conference in Casablanca, Morocco ended in January 1943, President Franklin Roosevelt and Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill held a press conference. Toward the end of the press conference, FDR told the corresponde

Article Image by Jacob G. Hornberger

Poor Fetty Wap, whose real name is Willie Junior Maxwell II. He's the famous rapper who just pleaded guilty to a federal drug charge carrying a minimum 5-year jail sentence. Sentencing guidelines indicate that he could actually receive a 9-year sen

Article Image by Tyler Durden

At the turn of the 20th century the delicate fabric of social order in Europe rested on a knife's edge. As imperial powers expanded their empires, it was only a matter of time before conflict between them would shatter peace in Europe. In that era, R
