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Article Image, By Matthew J.L. Ehret

Since China's Arctic extension of the New Silk Road was first unveiled in a January 2018 white paper, a process of Arctic development has been unleashed which represents one of the most important and under-appreciated developments on Earth.

Article Image, Russell Brand

This week I spoke with investigative journalist with the Grayzone, Aaron Maté, about efforts by the US proxy war in Ukraine and its efforts to weaken and destabilise Russia.

Article Image, by Patrick Lawrence

What were the policy cliques, "the intelligence community" and the press that serves both going to do when the kind of war in Ukraine they talked incessantly about turned out to be imaginary, a Marvel Comics of a conflict with little grounding in

Article Image by Jacob G. Hornberger

The drug-war hypocrisy of President Biden and the mainstream press are on full display in Russia, specifically in the case of Brittney Griner, the renowned W.N.B.A. basketball star.

Article Image

Russia -- From June 19 to last weekend, Russian forces successfully carried out an offensive operation to liberate Lugansk from the scourge of Nazified occupation.

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