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Building and Construction Materials

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Article Image, Ben Coxworth

Graphene, the "wonder material" composed of a one-atom-thick sheet of linked carbon atoms, is the world's strongest manmade material. Now, scientists have used it to create a new type of concrete that is much stronger, water-resistant and eco-friendl

Article Image By TERENCE CHEA

As a teenager working for his dad's construction business, Noah Ready-Campbell dreamed that robots could take over the dirty, tedious parts of his job, such as digging and leveling soil for building projects.

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Hi Folks, here is the book I bought to build the gasifier, this one is relatively small, Much larger ones are used in co-gen applications and for chemical refining, this one is suitable and scalable for small displacement engines and up to 4-5 lit

Letters to the Editor • Global
Article Image, by Mark Kane

While Tesla itself still needs to figure out how to produce and prepare the production line for it Solar Roof products (a pilot validation line will be established at the company's Fremont facility in June before moving to volume production at the