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Employment & Jobs

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Article Image by Alyce Andres

Online data show companies are putting the brakes on job listings for a third month (see "Fed Mission Accomplished: Real-Time Indicators Show The Labor Market Just Cratered").

Article Image, by Tyler Durden

As we approach the end of the first half, it's safe to say that how the second progresses will likely be determined by whether the US moves into recession or not (and how soon).

Article Image by NEIL MUNRO

From 2005-2009, this editor fought tooth and nail to derail George Bush's Security and Prosperity Partnership that sought to merge Canada, Mexico and the U.S. into a unified region like the EU. We succeeded and the whole initiative was officially d

Article Image By RONNY REYES

Troubled streaming giant's latest layoffs targeted staff who were among its most vocal social justice warriors working on original content about marginalized communities

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