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IPFS News Link • Business/ Commerce

How Nationalization of Industry Causes Massive Job Loss

• by JG. Martinez

We didn't always have these stories, however. They were forced upon us. We adapted to a post-nationalization world, but it was neither ideal nor desired. But to understand these stories, you first must understand how our economy was before Hugo.

One of the most challenging tasks, though, is to get this data. The official institutions and organizations do not present accurate data. The communist world left behind too many ill practices, one of them being the hiding of crucial information. The opacity and silence have been their signatures. Their Iron Curtain mentality still tries to avoid giving any information to the enemy. Of course, their enemy is the common-democracy-believer citizen.

Political crises in your region are coming.

I think there is no way America can escape these crises. The last vestige of freedom in the world is in danger.

If some people believed these red-colored gangs were just OUR problem, I would ask them to reconsider. Don't be so sure it is only our problem. I have a feeling it is about to be yours too.

It wasn't too long ago numerous industries thrived in Venezuela.
