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Just For Fun!

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Your responses to my request for family-friendly entertainment were overwhelming. Thank you all. At first I intended on vetting the list and commenting on the various titles, but there were far too many.

Article Image, The Babylon Bee

Are you a woman? It's hard to tell these days. Watch our well-researched video to find out whether you are indeed a woman.

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The Daily Wire -

A year ago, Harry's Razors advertised on our shows. But then, they pulled their ads due to "values misalignment." Harry's apparently decided that conservatives don't deserve great razors. We disagree. Introducing Jeremy's Razors. Stop givin

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James Corbett - The Corbett Report

It's the end of year hiatus, so while you're here, why not kick back with the Twelve(ish) Days of Corbett and participate in the Holiday Open Thread?