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911 / World Trade Center

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Article Image by Paul Craig Rob

This coming September it will have been 18 years since 9/11 and we still do not have from the US government a believable explanation of the event.

Article Image, By W.M. Peterson

Over the past 17+ years a great many people who have closely examined the events of September 11, 2001, have concluded that the official government story we were presented with simply cannot be true.

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Jason Bermas of Pulse Change joins us to discuss the recently released "9/11 papers." What new information is in this release, and does it tell us anything of value about 9/11? Can the documents be verified?

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While the film captures the reality of what took place, it completely misses the real story behind the scenes as to even how Cheney came to be Vice President. The film shows that he was out of politics and had effectively retired for some time. It pr

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In this video, we give you the latest breaking news on the dark overlord hack. Is this a legitimate hack or is it simply a hoax? We go over all the possibilities regarding the group known as the dark overlord.

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The vast regime of torture created by the Bush administration after the 9/11 attacks continues to haunt America. The political class and most of the media have never dealt honestly with the profound constitutional corruption that such practices infli

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In 9/11 Trillions and 9/11 War Games, The Corbett Report sheds light on two of the greatest 9/11 mysteries: The simultaneous war games that were taking place that morning and the trillion dollar money trail that leads back to the highest levels of go

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Prison Planet

The macabre case of missing journalist Jamal Khashoggi raises the question: did Saudi rulers fear him revealing highly damaging information on their secret dealings? In particular, possible involvement in the 9/11 terror attacks on New York in 2001.

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The vast regime of torture created by the Bush administration after the 9/11 attacks continues to haunt America. The political class and most of the media have never dealt honestly with the profound constitutional corruption that such practices infli