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"You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before." Rahm Emanuel prophetic words were quickly put to use by Italy on Monday morning, which barely waited

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Prison Planet

The U.S. stock market is integral to the global financial system in two ways. Now that investment banks, pension funds, insurers and multitudes of 401K retirement plans are dependent oncurrent equity valuations, a crash would impair virtually the ent

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Susanne Posel, Chief Editor at THE US INDEPENDENT joins Gary Franchi to break down her investigation onto the recent ruling against Bank of America's Unconstitutional foreclosures... and what it means for you.

News Link • Global Reported By Uncle Freedom
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For 40 years, Shirley Moss has lived in the same home in a tiny southeast Missouri town, but as the sandbags piled up yet again, she didn't hesitate when asked if she would take a government buyout. "In a New York minute," Moss said from her doub

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Home buyers beware: Bank of America is returning to the home loan market. According to the Wall Street Journal, BofA is “girding for a new run at the U.S. mortgage business.” It apparently wants to reclaim a share of the fat profits that rivals su

News Link • Global Reported By Chris Menke
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Before the bailout of General Motors, it was well understood that the world’s largest automaker was losing huge amounts of money in the US and was staying afloat thanks to stronger performance in overseas markets. Since the bailout, however,
