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Regulators announced Friday a rescue and revamping of the nation's wholesale credit union system, underpinned by a federal guarantee valued at $30 billion or more.

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The Treasury's $700 billion bailout fund officially expires in two weeks, but not for Neil Barofsky, the top cop for the Troubled Asset Relief Program. He's hiring new staff and opening four regional branch offices to pursue TARP-related fraud cas

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Officials from the US Treasury Department are insisting tonight that absolutely no US taxpayer dollars will be put forward to bail out the increasingly unstable Kabul Bank, which has been struggling with a growing bank run over the past week.

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The U.S. government is likely to take a loss on General Motors Co in the first offering of the automaker's stock, six people familiar with preparations for the landmark IPO said. Subsequent offerings of the government's holdings may be profitable

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Seeking Alpha

It wasn’t that long ago that General Motors underwent a US government-bankrolled bankruptcy that all but wiped out its existing shareholders. Now, thirteen months later, General Motors is filing for an initial public offering (IPO). The US and Can

News Link • Global Reported By Justin Tyme
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Eileen Aj Connelly, AP Business Writer

The 10 banks that received the most bailout aid during the financial crisis spent over $16 million on lobbying efforts in the first half of 2010, as the debate over financial regulatory reform reached its height. Disclosure reports show that the b

News Link • Global Reported By Hugo Tellez
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President Obama urged reluctant lawmakers to quickly approve nearly $50 billion in emergency aid to state and local governments, saying the money is needed to avoid "massive layoffs of teachers, police and firefighters" and to support the still-fragi

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Washington Post,

During the national furor that erupted last year after American International Group paid more than $165 million in bonuses, the voices of those vilified for receiving the payments remained silent, at least in public. But behind closed doors, empl

News Link • Global Reported By Lauren Roseman
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Watch this video about how the FDIC shovels your tax dollars into the pockets of well-connected bankers (as in former Goldman Sachs execs) to bail out failed banks. You might want to have a stiff drink before watching to keep your blood from boiling.

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A Republican senator said Tuesday that documents showing Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernake covered up the fact that his staff recommended he not bailout AIG are being kept from the public. And a House Republican charged that a whistleblower

News Link • Global Reported By Phennommennonn GLP
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WASHINGTON (AP) - Regulators on Friday shut down Colonial BancGroup Inc., a big lender in real estate development that marked the biggest U.S. bank failure this year, and a small bank in Pennsylvania.

The closures boosted to 74 the number of federally insured banks that have failed in 2009.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. was appointed receiver of Montgomery, Ala.-based Colonial, with about $25 billion in assets, and Dwelling House Savings and Loan Association, located in Pittsburgh. The agency approved the sale of Colonial's $20 billion in deposits and about $22 billion of its assets to BB&T Corp., which is based in Winston-Salem, N.C. The failed bank's 346 branches in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Nevada and Texas will reopen at the normal times starting on Saturday as offices of BB&T, the FDIC said.

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Financial Services Technology

In October last year, 9 banks received a grand total of $125 billion in taxpayer money as part of the much publicized Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). The aim of the payout being to aid in the banks' survival as they tried to ride out the pressures of the economic crisis.