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Greeks fed up with stories of austerity and gloom can now turn to a new website aptly named Everything is OK (ola kala, OK in Greek) which aims to bring only happy news stories to the population. Describing itself as an “online health wellbeing po

News Link • Global Reported By Chris Menke
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New York Times

The acting director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency and overseer of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Mr. DeMarco is a soft-spoken, career public servant — and under fire. In the thankless job of conservator for the loss-ridden mortgage finance giant

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The Treasury Department said it will sell $6 billion worth of American International Group stock and struck another deal for the insurer to pay down $8.5 billion more in obligations, taking a major step forward in an election year to unwind the unpop

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Washington Post

WALL STREET IS recovering from the Great Recession, but the U.S. financial sector might not exist at all if Congress had not enacted a $700 billion bailout, the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP), on Oct. 3, 2008. In President Obama’s view, the fi

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The amount of money the central bank parceled out was surprising. The Fed committed $7.77 TRILLION as of March 2009 (2 1/2 years ago) to rescuing the financial system, more than half the value of everything produced in the US that year.

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Greek Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou said Saturday that Greece was exploring the possibility of having a European bailout fund buy its debt if the government is unable to access capital markets again next year.

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Markets shun debt of rescued nations … Europe's bailed-out economies saw their borrowing costs hit fresh records on rising concerns they will not be able to pay their debts.

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Alex Newman via The New American

After the Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal of lower-court rulings, the Federal Reserve must release information about its “emergency” bailouts of large banks and financial institutions in 2008 under the guise of saving the financial system.

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ECB buying Portugal's debt... Bullish on natural gas... End of America Watch... China protecting its agriculture... Can states file for bankruptcy?... Last day to register for Retirement Conference... Porter's court case, again...

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The world is entering a dangerous new phase. Competitive devaluations continue despite all efforts to organize a ceasefire. The only hope now is a one-world currency run by the IMF. Enter that Keynesian brainstorm ... the bancor.