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Climate Change

Article Image by Mac Slavo

As many of the globe's rulers convene to discuss how to control the human livestock on the planet further, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres issued a stark warning "Humanity has opened the gates to hell." The ruling class has

Article Image, By The Sharp Edge

The apocalyptic prophecies of government, academic, and corporate sponsored climate alarmism have manipulated the minds of the masses to believe that mankind is to blame for our own demise.

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Anyone capable of critical thought knows this entire globull warming/ climate crisis/ health emergency narrative is false, contrived by the ruling elite/globalist cabal billionaire class as a further means to gain control, increase their already ungo

Article Image, Corbett

via Joining me today is James Corbett, founder of The Corbett Report, and video editor extraordinaire Broc West, here for a 9/11 anniversary watch-along and Q&A of their excellent documentary titled: COVID-911: From Homel

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American Thinker

...politicians have stated: "We must keep the increase of the average temperature of the Earth to 1.5°C or less; it has already risen 1.1°C since the beginning of the industrial age."

Home Grown Food