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IPFS News Link • Climate Change

Prince William and the End of the World


Prince William is apparently in a snit. His Royal-Whatever-He-Is is miffed. According to Fox News, the heir (not the spare) is pouting because the peasants of the world are taking too long to get on board with whatever climate change policy he favors. From Fox News:

While Prince William's ambitious environmental program aims to find new ideas and technologies around the world to tackle climate change and Earth's most pressing challenges, the royal admitted he's growing "impatient" waiting for the momentum to move quicker.

Easy for him to say. Prince William doesn't have to live on a budget. He doesn't have to worry about buying groceries or keeping the lights on. His medical care will never be threatened. His transportation and housing are taken care of. Prince William has someone to peel his grapes, ice his drinks, and, for all we know, zip his fly for him when he gets dressed in the morning. All he has to do is whine and pontificate until the International Society for Who Gives A F**k presents him with a lifetime achievement award for inhaling, exhaling, and being outraged.

Never mind the average American who has to put their prescription on a credit card because their savings are gone and the checking account is empty, or even the third-world farmer who is denied the right to grow a crop on a plot of land his family has cultivated for generations. Those people do not exist for William except in the occasional photo op. Otherwise, to hell with them. They can suffer for their conscience. Prince William will never know life on the edge. He will never have to get up at 4:00 in the morning with the flu and try to coax a dying car to start since missing any hours of work means he will not make rent that month. I've been there. More than a few of you have probably been there too. Prince William's issue is that he is as ignorant of the world around him as a lead fishing weight is to water. However, his crime is that he does not care.