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IPFS News Link • Poland

Farmers Begin Occupation of Polish Parliament, Demand Meeting With PM Tusk

•, by Grzegorz Adamczyk

The protestors, carrying banners stating, "EU policies will destroy the land and the farmer," voiced their discontent with the influx of agricultural products from Ukraine and broader EU regulations.

"We have come here today to protest against the Green Deal and the opening of borders to products flowing into the country from Ukraine. We want someone to finally take us, the farmers, seriously," stated Mariusz Borowiak, a spokesperson for the farmers' association.

Borowiak emphasized that the farmers will not leave the Sejm until they have met with the prime minister. "We do not want to stay long, as we have left our families and farms. We are not here to linger in the Sejm. We need to return to our work, but this is being hindered by what awaits us in the near future. That's why we want to talk to the prime minister and negotiate some details, have something concrete to take back to our regions," he explained.

The protestors aim to demonstrate in a "cultured manner," with Borowiak stressing that they are not bandits or hooligans. He highlighted concerns over unchecked Ukrainian products flooding the Polish market, citing ineffective border controls and demanding that organizations responsible for oversight in Ukraine start functioning effectively.

"We are here to protest against the Green Deal and against the opening of borders for products from Ukraine. We want someone to finally take us seriously," Borowiak reiterated.

Representatives of the farming union Orka believe that roadblocks have not been effectiveand only harm residents, which led to their decision to come directly to the Sejm. "Here are the people who should be defending us. We want representatives who will stand up for us in parliament. We want to see who is with us and who is against us," Borowiak stated.

On Friday at noon in Warsaw, a protest by farmers and the "Solidarity" trade union against the Green Deal is set to begin. Organizers have announced that 200,000 people are expected to attend.