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IPFS News Link • Climate Change

Our moral guardians: Climate activists teach children to send cookie malware...

•, By Jo Nova

Malware to save the planet eh?

The Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC) is asking supporters to send deceptive links out to friends and family that look like a cookie recipe but embed software cookies instead on the victim's computer. The digital cookie then pushes green climate videos into their feeds, (as if the ABC news wasn't loaded enough).

Look out for any links to

The AYCC gets about $3m in donations, and even visits schools, teaching children how to cheat and lie to save the planet, or something like that. What are good family relationships built on after all, if not deception? What is science if it is not propaganda?

These are all good questions to raise with the children in your life and the schools in your area.  Don't wait for an email to arrive, thank the AYCC for providing the opportunity to start the conversation now.

If the believers are so caring, ethical and moral why are they teaching children it's OK to deceive family members? Is this the kind of "fair and just" world we want to live in?

Call up schools and the local P&C and ask if they are aware the AYCC — which runs programs in schools  — teaches children to fool  parents and grandparents and use malware. Are these the kind of family values that belong in our schools? Will the local school guarantee that they will not allow this group to manipulate children?

The Australian exposed their crooked game this week, and traffic to has fallen to zero. So presumably the link trap will change. (The campaign has been put on hold).

Reporter Joseph Lam spoke to cyber security experts at Check Point Research:

The company's tech evangelist Ashwin Ram, one of Australia's top 100 Innovators, said the technique was not common but was something he imagined cyber criminals would use as part of phishing campaigns.