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Climate Change

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Jerry Mitrovica has been overturning accepted wisdom for decades. A solid Earth geophysicist at Harvard, he studies the internal structure and processes of the Earth, which has implications for fields from climatology to the timing of human migration

Article Image, By Paul Mueller

The Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) framework allows a small group of corporate executives, financiers, government officials, and other elites, the ESG "puppeteers," to force everyone to serve their interests.

Article Image, by David Zaruk

In a far-reaching new essay in The New Atlantis, the environmental researcher Ted Nordhaus makes a damning and authoritative case that while the basic science of CO2 and climate is solid, it has been abused by the activist class in service of a wildl

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Linkedin - Sanja Miskovic

We bring you a clip from the TED Talks show in which the late great scientist Kary Mullis, winner of the Nobel Prize for the discovery of the PCR method, was a guest. This remarkable and brilliant scientist talks here about the clear evidence that th

Unlimited Hangout - Whitney Webb

Latin America is quietly being forced into a carbon market scheme through regional contractual obligations - enforced by the satellites of a US intelligence-linked firm - which seeks to create an inter-continental "smart grid," erode national

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