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IPFS News Link • Climate Change

Moar Power: White House Considers Invoking "Unprecedented" Climate Emergency

•, by Tyler Durden

That's right: if you had 'climate emergency' on your 'list of disasters to prompt mail-in balloting' bingo card, you may soon be able to cross that square off. That's because the Biden administration is reportedly renewing discussions "about potentially declaring a national climate emergency," according to Bloomberg. 

Such an "unprecedented" declaration could "unlock federal powers to stifle oil development", among other things, the report says. 

Bloomberg reports, according to sources who requested anonymity as a final decision has not been reached, top advisers to President Joe Biden are reconsidering the possibility of declaring the emergency.

This action could lead to restrictions on crude exports, a suspension of offshore drilling, and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, sources say.

Within the White House, opinions are split on this issue. Some advisers believe that declaring a climate emergency wouldn't grant Biden sufficient new powers to enact significant changes. Others, however, contend that it could energize voters who prioritize climate issues.

"President Biden has treated the climate crisis as an emergency since day one and will continue to build a clean energy future that lowers utility bills, creates good-paying union jobs, makes our economy the envy of the world and prioritizes communities that for too long have been left behind," said White House spokesperson Angelo Fernandez Hernandez.

Historically, U.S. presidents, including former President Donald Trump, have declared national emergencies for various reasons. A climate emergency declaration would be unprecedented and likely face legal challenges.