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Article Image - Lew Rockwell

Do we have to quarrel with China at all? Why can't we have peaceful, friendly relations with China? The warmongers say otherwise; let's look at some of their so-called "arguments."

Article Image by Judith Bergman

"Evidence of both nations' intent to undercut the United States and allied leadership in the space domain can be seen in the growth of combined in-orbit assets of China and Russia, which grew approximately 70% in just two years." --

Article Image by Kathleen Li

The first shipments of Russian coal and crude oil, paid for in yuan, will arrive in China in April and May, respectively. Chinese state media used the opportunity to denigrate the United States, claiming that the international status of the U.S. doll

Article Image, by Tyler Durden

According to financial records, Joe Biden has $5.2 million in "unexplained income" that (by pure coincidence, of course) was acquired around the same time Hunter Biden was raking in big bucks from foreign business deals and earmarking "10 perce

Article Image by Daniel Lacalle

The most recent macroeconomic figures show that the Chinese slowdown is much more severe than expected and not only attributable to the covid-19 lockdowns.
