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Secret Government Projects

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Article Image, Zachary Fryer-Biggs

Wallops Island--a remote, marshy spit of land along the eastern shore of Virginia, near a famed national refuge for horses--is mostly known as a launch site for government and private rockets. But it also makes for a perfect, quiet spot to test a r


MK-ULTRA was the CIA's code name for program to develop ways to control human behavior. MK-ULTRA, launched during the Korea War, continued through the early 1970s when its existence was exposed by investigators from the Senate Select Committee on I

Article Image by Dave Hodges

NASA is for show and the secret space program is for go. However, the secret space program is no longer secret. It is also not new. Trump took control of the program away from the Air Force and renamed it. Here is the story and what they are up to.

Article Image By Edward Wong and Alan Yu

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is on a weeklong trip to Europe where he is raising sensitive issues with national leaders -- from Iranian missiles to Chinese technology to the economic collapse of Venezuela -- but the most colorful conversations co
