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Camera Fraud

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On July 19 at midnight photo radar cameras along busy Tempe roads and intersections will be shut off and many residents are looking forward to it.

News Link • Global Reported By Freedoms Phoenix Reader
Article Image The 64-year-old was thrown from his 1,000cc Suzuki after spotting the van where the speed limit changes from 50mph to 70mph. Two off-duty doctors helped him but he died at the scene on Saturday. 'It looks like the mo

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Payson Roundup

Of the thousands of tickets issued in Star Valley since the cameras were installed in January of 2008, only a handful of motorists have appealed the magistrate’s ruling, Power was one of the few to have her ticket dismissed. Star Valley Attorney, Tim

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Think of ATS, Redflex, and the courts which knowingly choose to take part in this fraud as a casino. Since they write the rules, they have the house advantage. This casino is “invitation only” (a fake letter in the mail bearing a false sworn statemen

News Link • Global Reported By question TASER
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New information released by the city of Santa Fe shows police officers whizzed past their own photo enforcement speed van far more often than other city workers, including those at the Fire Department, and many did so multiple times. Police office

News Link • Global Reported By Justin Tyme
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Written By:

 With the advent of modern technology in the hands of institutions and people of questionable character, it brings its own set of modern day problems that opens the door for abuse of the public purse. Take for instance photo enforcement. These

Letters to the Editor • Global
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(Article w/ Video Link) A big-screen remake of 1930s superhero “The Green Hornet” is set for release in January of 2011, and the producers of the film are using the violent destruction of a “red light camera” as the ending action sequence (video) in

News Link • Global Reported By Camera FRAUD
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Orlando, Florida is now potentially on the hook for over $4 million in refunds after a judge rules the ticketing scheme to be invalid. LaserCraft was the initial vendor for Orlando, until American Traffic Solutions purchased the Georgia company in Ju

News Link • Global Reported By David Alpha
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A ballot initiative to outlaw photo radar and red light cameras cleared a handful of hurdles and submitted the required number of signatures to put the matter before voters. But that’s not good enough for ATS, the Scottsdale-based firm which speci

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CameraFRAUD - The Cameras are Coming Down

But the thought that public officials will do the right thing and avoid entangling alliances with dubious foreign-owned corporations is a pipe-dream. Let us not forget or allow any politician from this day forward in any city, in any state, to ignore

News Link • Global Reported By David Alpha