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Camera Fraud

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Dear Editor: We here in Oregon have been fighting the powers that be for our rights to travel. In this process of research and investigating this issue for the past 15 years, we have documented proof of racketeering, perjury, criminal official miscon

Letters to the Editor • Global
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CameraFRAUD - The Cameras are Coming Down

What do you call people who talk tough when it comes to a boycott over Arizona’s SB1070 but can’t seem to get enough of the stolen money they procure through automated ticketing? The entire Los Angeles City Council.

News Link • Global Reported By David Alpha
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Redflex and DPS have never paid a lot of attention to the laws that regulate photo enforcement on our state’s highways, and that was evident again this week on the Westbound Loop 101 at Scottsdale Rd. CameraFraud has documented over 5 violations so f

News Link • Global Reported By Ryan Denke
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Because of photo radar, many people now will not answer their doors for strangers. With 30% of AZ households not returning mailed census forms, census workers will now have to visit those homes... but will anyone answer the door? And will the under-c

News Link • Global Reported By Ryan Denke
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Freedom's Phoenix Exclusive

[Phoenix, AZ] May 6th, 2010 - In reaction to the news that the Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) will not renew their contract with Redflex Traffic Systems of Australia, to operate the state-wide freeway photo traffic enforcement system, a pr

News Link • Global Reported By Camera FRAUD
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CameraFRAUD - The Cameras are Coming Down

Please join other activists for a demonstration Thursday to show the CEOs of Redflex and Taser some LOVE as they arrive at a Phoenix Business Journal event honoring them.

WHEN: Thursday, May 6th @ 4:30 PM


News Link • Global Reported By David Alpha
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A new type of speed cameras which can use satellites to measure average speed over long distances are being tested in Britain. The cameras, which combine number plate reading technology with a global positioning satellite receiver, are similar to

News Link • Global Reported By Tracy Twyman
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DPS and Redflex claim that the cameras have slowed traffic down and are “modifying driver behavior,” but if this were the case, why is a second camera needed less than a mile from the first? The only conclusion that can be drawn is that the DPS think

News Link • Global Reported By Ryan Denke
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A new website takes aim at beleaguered Redflex Traffic Systems. The site provides a resource for government officials and citizens to quickly learn about one of the major contractors in photo enforcement.The site contains the information that they do
