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Krisite Harper -

it's time to Honor God, Empower the People, Restore Agriculture & Establish Community- through Sustainable Subdivision Design centered around dedicated, Community Sponsored Micro-Farmers creating Produce/ Profit Shares for Lot Owners, creating abunda

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Epic Gardening

I grew my own wheat! This video takes you from seed to harvest, including threshing and winnowing the wheat so I have a relatively clean product to grind into my own flour.


Depending on whom you ask, Maine's proposed "right to food" constitutional amendment would simply put people in charge of how and what they eat -- or would endanger animals and food supplies, and turn urban neighborhoods into cattle pastures.

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Hamburger and pork chops are becoming what lobster used to be – expensive specialty foods most of us can only afford to eat once in awhile.

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Our inspiration Ever had a peach, apple or lemon tree go bananas with a bumper crop and not know what to do with it? Or maybe you've seen your neighbours' trees overloaded, left to the birds, falling to the floor and going to waste? We have too,

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While lychee and rambutan may look alike when their outer skins are removed, they have distinct differences, which make the playing ground quite equal in terms of their health benefits. Uses of the Rambutan Fruit and Plant Rambutan's uses d