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“I’m not going to put anything in my body that was not here before the Europeans arrived, because there is something wrong here,” said Mr. Ducharme, a Métis from Duck Bay, Man. “Ever since colonization, my people went from being a fit, athletic race

Article Image, Staff

A study on rats suggests that eating a high fructose diet for as little as six weeks may make you stupid. Luckily, a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids can counteract this IQ loss, researchers suggest.

Article Image, By Azeen Ghorayshi

Activists in Albany, California have staged an occupation of a different kind of public space—a farm.

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He writes, “Even the Department of Agriculture is on the side of plant-based diets.” Well, they would be, because that’s where the profit is. The Department of Agriculture exists to promote the interests of American farmers, not to protect you and me

Article Image, By Anthony Gucciardi

While you and your family may be eating high quality organic foods on a routine basis, a simple food preparation mistake may actually be poisoning the food you eat.

Article Image, by Jim Hightower

Thanks to the blessings of nature and good farmers, you and I can enjoy such scrumptious delights as fresh corn-on-the-cob, popcorn and many other variations of this truly great grain.

Article Image, Michael Mechanic

Would you like some cadmium with those fries? A slideshow of recalled fast-food toys
