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Article Image, Common Dreams staff

Hundreds of thousands of individuals, organizations and farmers are pushing the USDA to stop the approval of Dow AgroSciences' 2,4-D-resistant corn, dubbed 'Agent Orange corn' by its opponents, who say the product poses a threat to public health and

Article Image, By Michael Bloch

Lemons – a fruit with a wonderful fragrance, great in food and beverages, but also very handy for multiple purposes around the home!

Article Image, By Tom Philpott

My recent post on the question of food deserts and people's eating habits led me to a topic I haven't touched in a while: school lunches.

Article Image, By Charlie Dunmore

The European Union's executive said on Wednesday it did not intend to impose any particular measures on imports from the United States following the discovery of the country's first case of mad cow disease or BSE in six years.


Regulators are proposing that food companies that want to use tiny engineered particles in their packaging may have to provide extra testing data to show the products are safe.

Article Image, By Jancis Robinson

Ecuador says it has a vineyard on the equator, while a Napa Valley vintner will oversee Costa Rica’s first wine venture

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. You talk about how the excitotoxins overexcite nerve cells and cause those cells to die, how it passes through the blood/brain barrier and so on. Just how toxic is MSG really and then, might you also add, what have you learned since writing the boo

Article Image, by The Associated Press

A yellowfin tuna product used to make dishes like sushi and sashimi sold at restaurants and grocery stores has been linked with an outbreak of salmonella that has sickened more than 100 people in 20 states and the District of Columbia.

Article Image, by Ted Burnham

Nobody likes to see good food go bad. But Klaus Pichler's photography series One Third, which portrays food in advanced stages of decay, is a feast for the eyes — even if it turns the stomach.

Article Image, By Jill Ettinger

Taking the urban garden to the next level, Seattle, Washington has officially broken ground on a dedicated seven acre area of city land set to be converted into an “edible forest” that will produce free food for the city’s residents and visitors, hum

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A new study by Clinical Epigenetics, a peer-reviewed journal that focuses largely on diseases, has found that the rise in autism in the United States could be linked to the industrial food system, specifically the prevalence of high-fructose corn syr
