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Privacy Rights

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Rob Braxman Tech -

Anything you do to protect your privacy on the Internet will fail if your identity ends up on this list. So we will discuss 4 tips to prevent you from being marked and pigeonholed based on your appearance on this list. What is this list? This is a ba

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International Man - Nick Giambruno

"If I disappear, make sure this gets out." That's what Mark Miller, a young student at Yale, told his closest friends. He knew what he was sitting on had revolutionary potential and that powerful people had disappeared others for much les

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SAFE Net Forum

Thank you, every single one of you, who have stuck by our vision. It's been a ride and, at times, a tough one, but we are here now! Back to the vision of 2014, back to the simple code and complex reasons that code works

Article Image By Thorin Klosowski

With the holidays upon us, it's easy to default to giving the tech gifts that retailers tend to push on us this time of year: smart speakers, video doorbells, bluetooth trackers, fitness trackers, and other connected gadgets are all very popular gi

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Rob Braxman Tech -

Most people do not realize the privacy risks in browsers and spend their time thinking about which browser is better. It's time for you to understand the flaws in every single browser and this has a significant effect on your privacy and security.

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Our platform harnesses the power of webtorrent technology to facilitate direct, peer-to-peer conversations, ensuring that you remain connected without the intervention of any middlemen or centralized infrastructures.