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Privacy Rights

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Wall Street Journal

Since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, law enforcement efforts to secure corporate information about clients and suppliers have reached such levels that some companies have had to create special units that do nothing but deal with these deman

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An AT&T attorney indicated in federal court on Wednesday that the Bush administration may have provided legal authorization for the telecommunications company to open its network to the National Security Agency.

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A prominent Republican on Capitol Hill has prepared legislation that would rewrite Internet privacy rules by requiring that logs of Americans' online activities be stored. The proposal comes just weeks after Attorney General Gonzales said Interne

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Associated Press

BellSouth Corp. said its "thorough review" found no indication it gave telephone records to the NSA as part of a federal anti-terrorism surveillance program. The company's investigation found "no contract with the NSA and we are co

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Christian Science Monitor

What can the United States government really glean from the phone-call histories - records of who called whom, when, and for how long - of millions of Americans? After all, it's the same information that has long been available to authorities

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After being delayed several years due to budget shortfalls, one of the largest invasions of your privacy is now in full swing, compliments of the U.S. Census Bureau and a cadre of Department of Commerce corporate partners. In the past, the American p

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Associated Press

The Justice Dept. is moving to dismiss a federal lawsuit challenging the Bush administration's secretive domestic wiretapping program. The lawsuit does not include the government. Instead, it names AT&T, which is accused of colluding with the NSA

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The CATO Institute

With the advent of the so-called American Community Survey from the U.S. Census Burea which now invades the privacy of 250,000 households every month on a rolling basis, articles such as this one from the CATO Institute published several years ago ar

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CATO Institute

While this article is several years old, the advent of the Census Bureau's, American Community Survey, makes it quite timely. The first civics lesson of the census is that privacy is of little concern to political elites; your personal busines

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The Rutherford Institute

Everywhere we look these days, we are either being watched, taxed or some bureaucrat is placing another bit of information in our government files. And now with the American Community Survey, the federal bureaucracy is thrusting its expansive tentacl

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Johnson said last summer, an Illinois law passed that requires children in kindergarten, second- and sixth-grade to have a dental examination performed by a dentist, or to present proof to their school that one is scheduled in the next 60 days.

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Congressman Ron Paul

You may not have heard of the American Community Survey, but you will. The national census, which historically is taken every ten years, has expanded to quench the federal bureaucracy’s ever-growing thirst to govern every aspect of American life

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6 New York teen-agers sued Pentagon chief Donald Rumsfeld, alleging the US Department of Defense broke the law by keeping an extensive database on potential recruits.

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On Thursday, the Tennessee Supreme Court unanimously found the use of roadblocks to check identification papers, driving licenses and automobile registrations to be unconstitutional. The court struck down a Chattanooga Housing Authority (CHA) "r

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Reporters Without Borders (english,spanish,french)

Bloggers are often the only real journalists in countries where the mainstream media is censored or under pressure. Only they provide independent news, at the risk of displeasing the government and sometimes courting arrest. How to remain anonymous a

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The evident truth at the RFID World conference: Wal-Mart Stores is the impetus behind the technology's recent popularity. The biggest retailer in the world, Wal-Mart currently has 300 suppliers sending products to 500 RFID-enabled Wal-Mart and S

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Associated Press

Concerns by Google that a Bush administration demand to examine millions of its users' Internet search requests would violate privacy rights are unwarranted, the Justice Department said in a reply to strident arguments by Google to the government