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World News

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After years of obscurity, he defied U.S. sanctions to play and beat Spassky again in former Yugoslavia during the Balkan wars. This was the match that got him into trouble and forced him to become a fugitive wanted by U.S. authorities.

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New York Times

The puzzling site in Syria that Israeli jets bombed in September grew more curious on Friday with the release of a satellite photograph showing new construction there that resembles the site's former main building. Israel's air attack was di

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The new Indian "Car for the Masses" promises to be the Yugo of 2008. Or does it? The new $2500 vehicle is not aimed at Western consumers, but at more frugal Third Worlders with less disposable income. How to build the world's cheapest

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The incident was triggered when O'Reilly--with a Fox News crew shooting--was screaming at Obama National Trip Director Marvin Nicholson "Move" so he could get Obama's attention, according to several eyewitnesses. "O'Reilly

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It looks increasingly likely that the assassination of Benazir Bhutto is the work, not of Al Qaeda, but of elements within the Pakistani government itself. Not necessarily Gen. Pervez Musharraf, but of a faction within the military that is, perhaps,

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Benazir Bhutto was assassinated on orders of lower- and middle-level officers of the Pakistani army and air force, according to various intelligence sources, including members of India's counterintelligence service.

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In preparation for the Beijing Olympics and a host of other international events, some American companies are helping the Chinese government to design and install one of the most comprehensive high-tech public surveillance systems in the world.

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The suicide attack that killed Benazir Bhutto cut short an epic life, one bathed in blood and awash with controversy. Bhutto's father was hanged and brother shot to death. She rose to become the Muslim world's first female prime minister

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Free Talk Live

Activist and actor Russell Means joins Free Talk Live to discuss the Lakota Nation's withdrawal from the United States. [Link goes to .mp3]

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Talks with the Taliban and extra aid to stop the cultivation of opium poppies could form part of the prime minister's plans for redeveloping Afghanistan, it was reported today. Gordon Brown will set out Britain's military, political and econ

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Washington Post

A high school student hunting fossils in the badlands of his native North Dakota discovered an extremely rare mummified dinosaur that includes not just bones but also seldom seen fossilized soft tissue such as skin and muscles, scientists will announ