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World News

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German Interior Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble drew flak for considering a security policy that would allow the indefinite detention and "targeted killing" of terror suspects.

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Canada announced plans to increase its Arctic military presence in an effort to assert sovereignty over the Northwest Passage _ a potentially oil-rich region the United States claims is international territory. Eight patrol ships will guard Canadian

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Dissident Voice

Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, the Philippines and Lebanon aren't the only fronts in the "global war on terror." Although it remains largely out of the public eye, the US has also sought to open up a north-African front in its fight again

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Iraq's Shi'ite Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on Saturday called on political groups to join a proposed new alliance that would cut across sectarian lines and support his embattled government. "This front is open to all those who agree w

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Russia warned today that it would position its rockets close to the Polish border and point missiles at US bases in Europe if Washington rebuffed its latest offer of coopoeration on missile defence. Russia's hawkish first deputy prime minister,

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Press TV

The Jordanian daily newspaper ad-Dostour on Monday quoted US sources as saying that President Bush's government is promoting a former US plan, which was unveiled at the time of the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.

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Times Online

A deal on Europe's future, stitched together at last week's bad-tempered summit, began to unravel yesterday after the intervention of the EU's most unpredictable leader. Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the Polish Prime Minister, who sent his brother

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Iraq's main Sunni Arab said on Friday it was suspending its participation in cabinet because of legal steps being taken against one of its ministers, deepening the sectarian gulf between the country's politicians. The Sunni Accordance Front

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BBC News

Was the original trial of the former Libyan intelligence agent fatally flawed? Was the evidence contaminated by the American or British authorities? Was Libya implicated out of political expediency, when all along the main suspect was Iran?

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[Keeps World Court indictments for war crimes at bey.] World powers named Tony Blair as their Middle East peace envoy, handing the outgoing British prime minister a daunting new challenge on a day Israeli forces killed 12 Palestinians in the Gaza St

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French government security experts have reportedly banned -- with mixed success -- the use of BlackBerries in ministries and in the presidential palace -- for fear that they are vulnerable to snooping by US intelligence.

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by Eric Margolis (LewRockwell)

Anyone who wants to understand what really goes on in the Mideast should have a look at the scandal that erupted earlier this month over the outsized character of Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia.

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Top French government officials are ignoring warnings to ditch their cherished BlackBerrys -- smartphones with e-mail capacity -- despite warnings their messages may be intercepted by US spy agencies, a report said. "They tried to offer us so

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Daily Express

TONY Blair wants to hand the European Union radical new powers in his last act as Prime Minister, it emerged today. The Prime Minister has welcomed controversial plans to bring back the troubled EU constitution by the back door - totally bypas

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Financial Times

Tony Blair, the British prime minister, could end up swapping Downing Street for a job as the first full-time European Union president, under a plan being actively touted by Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president. Mr Sarkozy is understood to have d

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To enforce the new rules, a camera will be placed in a rubbish bag and left in an alleyway. The tiny covert camera, which has cost Weymouth and Portland Council, Dorset, up to £10,000, will also help catch householders who put their rubbish out too e

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Add to that the arrest of 83 child sex offenders and the dismantlement and disruption of 3 major internationnal paedophile rings - all with UK connections - as the battle against child sex abuse gathers pace.

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One World

President Gen. Pervez Musharraf's decree gives the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulation Authority the unfettered power to halt broadcast transmissions, close offices, seize equipment, revoke licenses, and increase fines for violations tenfold.

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The Australian

Sudan last night accepted the deployment of a hybrid African Union-UN force to its war-ravaged region of Darfur. The plan will more than double to between 17,000 and 19,000 the number of AU troops struggling to protect civilians from the pro-governm

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Ynet News

The gun battles and exchanges of mortars and explosives ravaging the streets of Gaza are costing Hamas popular support among Palestinians, a leading Palestinian pollster told Ynetnews on Tuesday. Elias Kukali, of the Palestinian Center for Public Op