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World News

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The French parliament's lower house adopted a groundbreaking bill that would make it illegal for anyone — including fashion magazines, advertisers and Web sites — to publicly incite extreme thinness.

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Intruders ransacked offices of the main opposition party and police detained foreign journalists in an ominous sign that President Mugabe might turn to intimidation and violence in trying to stave off an electoral threat to his 28-year rule.

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A human rights activist says at least 60 people are still jailed in China for protests by pro-democracy demonstrators in 1989 at Beijing's Tiananmen Square. Between 60 and 100 such protesters remain jailed and he urged China to release them befor

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Soldiers on foot and in armored carriers swarmed Tibet's capital Saturday, enforcing a strict curfew a day after protesters burned shops and cars to vent their anger against Chinese rule. In another western city, police clashed with hundreds of B

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Dr. Laura Schlessinger, the talk-show tough love advice doc, blamed Eliot Spitzer's wife for his prostitution-mongering. Puzzled viewers need only look at Dr. Laura's Internet nude pix, serial adultery and broken marriages to find out why.

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USA Today

Britain wants students to pledge allegiance to Queen Elizabeth, similar to how Americans say the pledge to the U.S. flag. A pledge to the monarch, to be said at a "coming of age" ceremony when teens graduate the equivalent of high school

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Trade between Colombia and Venezuela was limited to bare necessities with Venezuela only allowing in perishable goods as tensions remained high in the Andean region's worst diplomatic crisis in years. Venezuela sent tanks to the Colombian border