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World News

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Breaking: For democracies, the wheels of justice grind slowly. For terror victims as well. The three main suspects in the 2004 Madrid bombings have been found guilty. It's taken over three years, but the murderers have been found guilty.

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Mondoreb & Ginn

Admit it! Just the word makes blood quicken and the keys type a bit faster. Pirates are back in the news: the U.S. Navy played the part of the British Navy during the 17th and 18th centuries and rescued a ship from--Pirates!

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It wasn't the "big one", but every time the dishes shake in California, people in the Golden State are a little uneasy. A 5.6 magnitude quake shook the San Francisco area last night. Many Californians still have vivid memories of the Sa

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The Australian

ONE of the writers who best understood the phenomenon of totalitarianism in the 20th century, British historian Robert Conquest, argues that any totalitarian attempt to control all aspects of life is untenable in the long run and allowing a far great

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Mondoreb & Ginn

The start of a new war? Or just guerrilla maneuvers against previous guerrilla maneuvers? Bombs were dropped and the Turkish military crossed into Iraq. Tensions between Turkey and Iraq are heating up now.

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Prostitutes in the Bolivian city of El Alto sewed their lips together as part of a hunger strike to demand the mayor reopen brothels and bars ordered closed after violent protests by residents last week. "Tomorrow we will bury ourselves alive.**

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Ecuador wants a swap: the U.S. base at Manta for a base in Miami. Ecuador wants a military base in Miami? If you're an anti-drug warrior, the news is encouraging. Is the base necessary for U.S. defense? Or is it another outpost in the U.S.'s

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Jim Rogers is selling dollars and buying yuan. "It's gotta triple. It's gotta quadruple." Of course, the end of the article describes where he's really bullish: commodities.

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UPI Asia

China has been working more than 20 years on building a carrier, according to a memoir written by Liu Huaqin, former commander-in-chief of the navy. He said the navy had had a special budget for research on carrier technology since the 1980s.

News Link • Global Reported By Geoffrey Hayes
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Anarchists lobby for government-funded program to import large numbers of rhesus macaques.

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His image is a staple on T-shirts and gatherings of revolutionary wannabes everywhere. One place the image won't be seen anymore is in Venezuela, where a monument to deadly revolutionary, Che Guevara, was destroyed Friday.

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Her campaign to unseat Pakistan's current president Gen. Pervez Musharraf will continue. Benazir Bhutto will not let a little thing like a deadly bomb blast stop her. Friday, she named al-Qaeda as the prime agent in the attack.

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A suicide bombing targeting former Pakistan prime minister Benazir Bhutto killed at least 125 people, turning her emotional homecoming parade after 8 years in exile into a scene of carnage. Bhutto was unhurt, escaping with her life as the blast rippe

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Ayaan Ali is back in the US. Originally from Somali, she fled to the Netherlands and was threatened by Dutch Islamic terrorists. She fled again to the USA, returned to the Netherlands, and is now back. Her story.

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Washington Post

A controversial nuclear deal between the US and India appears close to collapse after the Indian prime minister told President Bush yesterday that "certain difficulties" will prevent India from moving forward on the pact for the foreseeable

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Russian President Vladimir Putin continued a Russian foreign policy that seemed based on "what's bad for the United States is good for Russia". He was in Tehran for a five-country conference on nuclear power. [H]e and the other leaders