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News Russia

The Russian aircraft carrier “Admiral Kuznetsov” is ready to head from Murmansk towards the Mediterranean and the Syrian port of Tartus. The mission comes after Syrian President Bashar Assad said he is open for a Russian base in the area.

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The American people should be eternally grateful to Old Europe for having spiked the Bush-McCain plan to bring Georgia into NATO. Had Georgia been in NATO when Mikheil Saakashvili invaded South Ossetia, we would be eyeball to eyeball with Russia, fac

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Washington Post

Separatist leader Yasin Malik called on people to adopt his new Gandhian philosophy of nonviolence. Malik, a secular Muslim, soon became an icon of peace to many youths in this turbulent region that India and Pakistan have fought over for decades.

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Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf will resign rather than face impeachment by parliament, the Financial Times said on its Web site, citing government officials and a member of his circle. A deal had been brokered between Musharraf and members

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Washington Post

Russian troops searched selected cities, forests and fields in Georgia looking for military equipment left behind by Georgian forces. In Moscow, Russia's foreign minister declared Georgia could "forget about" regaining its 2 separatist

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Georgia's president said Thursday that a column of Russian tanks and other vehicles was moving toward the country's second-largest city, and that Russian forces already control a third of Georgian territory. [Cry wolf too many times ....]

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Russia Today

The United States is sending fresh supplies of weapons to Georgia from its base in the Jordanian port of Aqabah. That’s according to the Israeli newspaper – Maariv. The paper says the US began flying weapons from the transport hub on Saturday.

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It was a claim that could have [and did] provoked a dangerous Kremlin response: The United States is readying to take over airports and ports in the former Soviet republic of Georgia. The claim, by U.S.-backed Georgia President Mikhail Saakashvili

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Otago Daily Times

Last Thursday the hyperactive and frequently volatile Georgian leader began an adventure that those more experienced in the arts of military provocation could have advised him was likely to have just one outcome. Four days later, with his forces pumm

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Scrambling to find ways to punish Russia for its invasion of pro-Western Georgia, the United States and its allies are considering expelling Moscow from an exclusive club of wealthy nations and canceling an upcoming joint NATO-Russia military exercis

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NY Times

If there were any doubts, the last week has confirmed that Mr. Putin, who became prime minister this spring after eight years as president, is running Russia, not his successor, President Dmitri A. Medvedev. And Mr. Putin is at last able to find reli

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The websites of Georgia's government have been under denial-of-service attacks for weeks, with Russian hackers fingered as the culprits. Those online assaults have only intensified in recent days, as a shooting war between the two countries has b